| The Escape

Both Ava and Jack sent Amon a doubtful look. 'I had altogether too much time on my hands hiding out in the Hamptons, so when I read Sunni's postings I did a trawl through Chicago missing person reports,' Amon explained.

Jack nodded. 'And?'

'Well, all your usual reports of punk kids and street trash who've gone astray, of course, but…' Amon paused impressively. 'Also missing are three quite eminent scientists. All in the last six months, and one just before Sunni started posting – a guy called Jamie Walker.'

As he spoke, a screech of brakes sounded in the quiet street outside.

Jack cast a nervous glance at Amon and Ava and crossed to the window. He twitched the nicotine-stained nets a fraction to peep through.