| Ululating Howls

The wolf stopped snarling at him, turned, and bolted into the shadows.

Jack breathed a shaky sigh of relief. But then there came a deeper, more savage growl from behind him.

He turned to find an enormous brown bear looming over him, its ivory teeth bared in a ferocious warning.

As he shrank away from the animal's massive bulk, Jack knew there was no escape. The beast was enraged by the intrusion on its territory. Now, in the dim lighting of the enclosure, Jack saw it screw up its black eyes in hatred and flare its enormous nostrils. Roaring, slavering, it stretched its jaws wide open and lunged for him.

Desperately, Jack tried to roll clear of the great animal's reach. Too late. The hump of muscle on its shoulders rippled as its heavy paw swiped at Jack's shoulder, claws scraping his flesh and bruising him down to the bone. He shouted out, realizing he was rolling down a concrete slope.