| The Bitter, Voiding Darkness Of Defeat

The change was complete now. Ava felt Jack shake softly, holding himself quite still in her arms. She felt the muscles in his flank shiver beneath her fingers, shifted on her knees, and looked into the beast's dark eyes. Jack's eyes.

'We have to get out of here,' she whispered, wishing she could cry but find nothing inside.

'Someone's coming!' Chung shouted.

Ava heard the main door creak open.

The two remaining blind mice scuttled into their penthouse.

Anton, the short, portly one, sniffed the air and nodded. 'It's the girl again,' he proclaimed.

Friedrich stooped to lock the door. 'I did wonder what was keeping Liebermann.'

'We can't have this.' Anton shook his head and tutted, his pride seemingly hurt. 'No, certainly not.'

Jack rounded on the old man, snapping his jaws, placing himself in front of Ava protectively.

Chung staggered over and helped her to her feet.