Passing the Teleportation Portal

Chapter 4

Flaira regained her senses when she hears what the shadow guard said. She run to her mother and put her fingers near her nose. Her mother is breathing that made her felt regained her hope. She hugged her mother tightly while crying.

All the bodies of the Elven Soldiers turned into dust when Flaira's spirit flame touched them. All that's left are the remains of the Villagers who died in the hands of the Elven Soldiers. She felt her reasons was about to collapse at the very moment. Her strength is drained in her body and she is severely injured but she still stand and look for her friend Leira.

She saw her near the house they are living lying on the ground nakedly. She run near her. She remove her jacket and covered her body which has full of wounds. Leira opened her eyes.

"F-F-Flai-r i-is t-t-that you?" asked Leira uncomfortably.

"Please Leira, don't talk don't leave ok" Flaira said while crying.

"F-F-F-lai-r I'm s-s-sorry I d-d-don't t-think I c-c-can s-still a-ccom—pani-ed y-you. B-But p-p-please w-w-whe-re-e-ever you –a-are d-d-don't e-e-ever for-get m-m-m-me o-ok?" Leira replied.

"Can you please don't leave me?" said Flaira while crying nonstop.

"F-F-Flai-r you k-know t-t-they k-k-illed my m-m-mother. T-t-they r-r-raped m-m-me n-n-non-s-stop. I-I-I'm s-s-sorry b-b-but I'm t-t-too e-e-exhaus-ted. L-L-Live for u-u-us and a-a-avenge u-u-us….." Leira's hand loosen its strength.

"Noooooo...." Flaira shouted while crying and hugging her friend.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhh!" Flaira shouted more loudly.

She felt her anger rouse to its peak and suddenly her hair turned red and her eyes turned blue.

Flaira cried nonstop until she collapsed because of too much energy fluctuations.

The shadow guard lift the teenage girl on his left hand and her mother on his right hand. Before he burned all the corpses and the house leaving only the ash.

He brought them into the portal but even before he could enter he saw the armies near it. The Captain of the army didn't go personally. He leave the things to his subordinate and wait for them to hear the news of their mission.

The shadow guard brought the two inside the nearest cave. He sprayed sleeping powder to Flaira and put a protective barrier to the two. Flaira's mother won't be able for the mean time because of the poison inside her body unless she drink the proper medicine that could detoxify the poison.

He returned near the portal to observe the situation he planned to wait for them to leave. Before entering into it, he will bring the Princess and her mother in their land. He knows it is not safe already if they let the two remained in the mortal realm.

"Captain I didn't see any living being in the village but I sense the energy of death lingering in that place" one of the soldiers reported to his superior after looking for his fellow who conduct the mission.

"What do you mean? I sent Hybris there to complete the mission" said the Captain.

"This is the only thing I found there" the Soldiers give their Captain the Sword wielded by Hybris. The name is also imprinted in there. "Where did you get this sword? This is Hybris sword, he never let his sword be taken away from him" said the Captain.

"Bring me on the place where you found Hybris sword" command the Captain to the man who found the sword.

"Yes Captain follow me" the Soldiers answered.

"All of you will remain here I will follow him to know the whereabouts of the others who conducts the mission" said the Elven Captain.

"Yes sir" answered the Soldiers.

The shadow guard remained hidden. Although he is strong but he didn't want to put the Princess life in danger. He needs to consider the consequences of things. He didn't want to alert the enemy.

While the Captain and the Soldier returned to the Village and just like what the Soldier reported nothing can be seen and found in the place.

"Are you sure this is the place?" asked the Captain confusedly.

"Yes Captain I found Hybris sword over that tree and the sword is stained with blood" answered the Soldier.

"I can feel a strong energy of death here. Even the power that make my body tremble a while ago comes from here" the Captain said.

"Why did the Queen want's to kill this ants?" asked the Soldier to his Captain.

"Sometimes too much curiosity would bring you death" the Captain answered.

The Elven Soldier closed his mouth and just look around the place. This time he saw another object, a knife and the name imprinted is Risho.

"Captain there is another item" shouted the Soldier and go to his Captain's direction.

The Captain observe the knife and look at the name imprinted on it.

"This is Risho's knife" said the Captain angrily.

Based on what he observe in this place, the Elven Soldiers he command to conduct the mission are all dead. Risho is his best friend who fought together with him in the past battle in the Kingdom of Lafarca.

"If my guess is right they are already dead" said the Captain.

"Dead, Captain? How could that be? They belonged to the Elite team in the army. They are very powerful how come they get killed" the Soldier is confused.

"I'm afraid that the owner of the power we have felt a while ago is the one who killed them" said the Captain.

"What are we going to do?" asked the Soldier.

"Never mentioned what happened here in the Kingdom. This will be our secret that never have to be revealed" said the Captain to his Soldier.

"Yes Captain Oswald, I promised to keep this secret until the day I die" answered the Soldier.

The Captain holds the knife tightly and then sigh.

"Come on let's return back to the Kingdom" said the Captain.

"Yes Captain'' they returned to the place where the remaining Elven Soldiers are waiting.

"What happened? Where are the others?" asked the other Elven Soldier.

"I'm afraid that they won't be able to comeback with us because they are dead" said the Captain.

"What? How is it possible?" asked the other Elven Soldiers.

"Men, I want you to promise me that whatever mission we conduct here in the human realm must not be leaked. After we left here never ever mentioned that we have a mission that we did here understood" said the Captain in a commanding tone.

All the Elven Soldiers became silent before they raise their sword and agree.

"Ok Captain all the things that happened here will remain here" shouted by all the Elven Soldiers.

In the Dark Elves Clan, a promised is sacred, once you promised something you will be bound to fulfill it. Because once you broke your oath you will be killed instantly and your soul will be extinguished. That is how the oath or promised meant to them.

The Captain and his Armies returned to the Kingdom filled with disbelief on what happened to their fellow. But none of them question him on it.

When all the Armies vanished in the teleportation portal. The shadow guard wait for at least two hours before he take Flaira and her mother and passed on the teleportation portal.

The shadow guard land on the woods. He looked for a cave and brought them the two woman. He sprayed a white powder to Flaira and she woke up all of a sudden.

When Flaira regained her consciousness she found out that they are in a cave.

"Who are you? Why did you brought us here?" Flaira asked angrily to the shadow guard.

"I am your father's shadow guard" he answered.

"Father? But I don't have a father!" said Flaira.

"Your highness I am your father's subordinate. He sent me to protect you and your mother even before you were born'' the shadow guard answered respectfully.

"Protect me and my mother? Hah! Don't make me laugh, where are you when my family is being threatened? My grandfather and grandmother died in the hands of those creature! Now tell is that the way of protection?" asked Flaira bitterly.

"Forgive me your highness but the time when they attacked you I am with your father. He task me to report to him all about your whereabouts" said the shadow guard.

"Report to him you say? So He knows our situation but he doesn't have the guts to come forward and meet us?" asked Flaira angrily.

"Your highness you're mistaken. Your father has a lot of responsibilities in maintaining the balance of power in the Kingdom" answered the Shadow guard.

"So his kingdom is more important than the lives of us? Don't even dare to tell him again about what happened to us" said Flaira angrily.

"But, that is his command I cannot disobey him your highness" said the shadow guard emotionlessly.

"To hell I care about his command. I told you don't ever interfere with our life again" said Flaira.