Foundation Festival

Chapter 13

The Dark Elf Queen's eye brow twitch with irritation.

"Hey lady don't you know how to be modest" the Dark Elf Queen said disappointedly to her daughter.

"Why don't you tell it to yourself?" the Dark Elf Princess replied with irritation.

"What do you mean?" said the Dark Elf Queen angrily.

"I know that you have another man aside from father. That is why father didn't like you more and more" said the Dark elf Princess.

"Honey never say something you didn't know" the Dark Elf Queen replied warningly.

"Hmmmp…..father won't even look at you because of your gigolo" said the Dark Elf Princess recklessly.

The Dark Elf Queen slapped her daughter because of anger.

"You don't know what you're talking about so stop saying nonsense" said the Dark Elf Queen angrily.

The Princess was shocked with her mother's actions. She hold her cheeks where her mother's hand lands.

"Mother, you hurt me because of this crap. It's your fault why father doesn't love us" the Dark Elf Princess said heartlessly. Then she turned around and get out of her mother's room and closed the door heavily.

The Dark Elf Queen hold her forehead because of frustration.

"That girl is looking for her own trouble then let her be" said the Dark Elf Queen to herself with irritation.

Outside the Dark Elf Queen's room….

"Mother I can prove to you that I can be different with you in choosing a man. He will love more than you ever expected" Princess Keisha said to herself. Then walk away after looking at her mother's room door.

In the Dragon Kingdom…

Flaira and Rei Jin stop in helping on the preparation. Flaira continues her training in martial arts.

"I already taught you everything I know. Now it's up to you to use the things that I taught you. The Dragon King is calling me to a meeting for the upcoming foundation celebration. You can go home now to rest. Tomorrow you can train on your own I will not be able to supervise you" said the Old man.

"Don't worry Grandpa Gao I will follow your instructions. Tomorrow after the foundation celebration I am going to go in the Dark Elf Kingdom. I will just watch the performance tomorrow before I go and thank you very much" said Flaira to the Old man.

The Old man smiled at her "I hope to see you again" replied the Old man.

The day of the Foundation Celebration of the Dragon Palace...

There are lots of carriage lined up in the Dragon Palace from the different Kingdom. All the Dragon workers in human form are all busy with their work.

"Your highness your skill in combat is amazing" said the shadow guard.

"It's because aside from grandpa Gao fighting techniques you also provide my additional training" said Flaira while wiping her sweat.

"Your highness are you sure that we are going to go after the Foundation Celebration?" asked the shadow guard.

"Yes, but I will still practice my fighting skills just in case something unexpected happens" Flaira replied seriously.

"Your highness why don't you look at the program that the Dragon Kingdom prepared. So you will have more idea about this realm" suggest the shadow guard.

"Yes I honestly plan to watch the product of their hard work. Rei Jin and I also helps with their preparation. I'm just curios what is the finished product of it" Flaira said.

"Wait for us here Tairo I will change my clothes first and I will call Rei Jin" Flaira said then goes inside the mansion.

"Rei Jin, this is my last day here in the Dragon Kingdom let's go and watch the foundation celebration" Flaira said to the White Dragon cub.

"Sister are you going to leave me here?" Rei Jin asked with tears in his eyes.

"The place I am going to is dangerous. I can't promise to protect you at all times because I don't know whether I can protect my own life" Flaira said.

"But I don't need your protection instead I will be the one who will protect you sister" said Rei Jin while crying.

Flaira hugged tightly the White Dragon cub.

"I am no longer on my own you are also my master already" said Rei Jin.

Flaira was stunned with what she heard. "What master are you talking about?" asked Flaira.

"I heard the Elders in the school last time that if you want someone to be with you wherever you go, you have to form a contract so that you will be together wherever you go. Sister I don't have any family left. You are the only one I have. I hope you won't abandon me" Rei Jin said while crying nonstop.

"Are you not afraid of being in danger?" asked Flaira.

"No sister, if you die I don't have any reasons to live. The Elders said if the master dies I will also dies together with them" said Rei Jin.

Flaira scratch her head. She didn't know that this is really how possessive Dragons could be.

Then they change clothes and prepare their things because they plan that after the festival they are going to start their journey to the Dark Elf's Kingdom. After they prepared everything then proceed to go out to enjoy the celebration.

"Tairo, the old man invited us to visit the Dragon Palace as a guest so I think Rei Jin and I would pay a visit in the different place in the Dragon Palace" said Flaira.

"Just be careful your highness I can't get near or inside the palace because the Dragon King's shadow guard will be alerted. Here no one knows you're real identity than Old man Gao so I still can let you wander on your own and I know that you can fend for yourself. But Just in case you run into trouble just crushed this jade pendant then I will know your exact location and get you even with the risk of being found out by the shadow guard of the Dragon King" said the shadow guard.

Flaira smiled at the shadow guard "Thank you for this" she replied.

The shadow guard just nod his head and then disappeared.

The two then walked in the street to go inside the Dragon King's Palace for touring around.

In the Dragon King Palace….

All the dignitaries and Royal family from the different Kingdoms are present. They even bring their Princesses to get the Dragon's King attention and make them his concubine or even Queen of the Dragons. Marrying another race is not forbidden in their realm as long as the two people involve truly love each other it doesn't matter. But only those who poses a Royal bloodline can marry a Royalty.

All the guest arrive from the Elven Kingdom, the Dark Elf King Seijun and his wife Queen Hisha, her daughter Princess Keisha and one of the Elder Kailoon while in the White Elf, their King Zairon and his wife Queen Shareen together with their daughter Princess Sharah. If Princess Keisha has black hair and black eyes. Princess Sharah has blonde hair and blonde eyes. The King of the Dwarfs Grimly and his Queen Cheery and their two sons George and Carry. Lastly from the human Kingdom, King Henry and Queen Catherine with their two daughters, Princess Carmela and Princess Catharina and Eldest Prince Rion.

All of them are accompanied by one of the Elders in their country. Aside from enjoying the celebration they are there to strengthen their relationship for their country sake. From all the Kingdoms in this realm, Dragons are the most powerful among them. Aside from protection and benefits they really gained a lot being working harmoniously with the dragons.

Aside from the Royalties there are also government officials who came. So the Dragon Palace are used maximally.

While the Dragon King is sitting with elegance in his throne. All the Princesses from the different Kingdoms can't help but look at the Dragon King's movement like idiots. All of them are blushing and act shyly in front of him.

"We brought gifts from our country. Thank you for accepting us warmly" said the Dwarf King with a smile.

"Thank you very much King Grimly and Queen Cheery" replied the Dragon King politely.

"No problem, by the way you're not getting any younger my King. When are you planning to build your own family" asked the Dark Elf King while smiling mischievously.

"Why are you in a hurry? Do you think I'm like you?" replied the Dragon King with irritation.

"And what do you mean by that my friend?" said the Dark Elf King while raising one of his eyebrow.

"I'm not yet insane to find some headache just like what you did in the past" the Dragon King replied sarcastically.

"Hmmmmmmp…what an old man" the Dark Elf King muttered to himself but still can be heard by the Dragon King.

"Hey Seijun are you that bored to keep on getting in my nerves" asked the Dragon King with dissatisfaction.