The Elven Kingdom

Chapter 18

Old man Gao knocked on the door of the Dragon King's office.

"Come in" the voice of the Dragon King can be heard from the inside.

Old man Gao opened the door and closed it. He see the Dragon King putting an invisible barrier in the room.

"Why did you ask for me your highness?" Old man Gao asked first.

The Dragon King is sitting on the chair while reading the documents on his table. He stopped what he is doing and face the old man in front of him.

"Do you know about the identity of the woman you take in your house?" asked the Dragon King seriously.

"What do you mean by that your highness?" asked the Old man formally.

"Why didn't you tell me that Seijun's child is with you?" asked the Dragon King formally.

Old man Gao was stunned at first but he didn't let it show to his face.

"Why are you asking your highness?" asked the Old man formally.

"Someone drugged me yesterday night and they put that woman to my bed. I can't help myself to stop the drugged so I did it to her. From now on that woman is mine I already put my imprint on her" the Dragon King said seriously.

The old man mouth agape with shocked to what he heard from the Dragon King. He remembered when he saw the girl earlier.

"But your highness Flaira doesn't know about anything about here because she came from the other realm" the old man replied.

The Dragon King was stunned when he heard what the old man said.

"But it is forbidden for us to go out of this realm and mingle with those from another realm. How did she cross the two realms?" the Dragon King replied confusedly while frowning.

The old man sigh "According to her the Dark Elf Queen send her soldiers to the human realm and killed all the village people who are living there except for the girl and her mother. Honestly, she is here to cure her mother of the poisoned inflicted on her. Now she is on her way to the Dark Elf Kingdom to get the antidote. She is actually planning to return to the human realm after she cured her mother" replied the Old man.

"What!" the Dragon King was stunned. "That will not be possible, she is mine now. Why did you let her go to that dangerous place?" said the Dragon King angrily. "Seijun really is stupid. Letting her daughter be killed by his woman. She is the future leader of the Dark Elf" he added.

"How did you know your highness?" asked the Old man with shocked.

"I saw her hair and eye color changed, it's very beautiful" replied the Dragon King as if being mesmerized with the woman they are talking about at the moment.

The old man scratch his head and face palm secretly. This is the first time he saw the Dragon King complimenting a woman. He looks like a man in love. The old man smiled secretly.

"Your highness I think she will refuse to stay here in this realm because she prefer a peaceful life and not this one" the old man said.

"Old man did you already forget the prophecy? The one who will possess the fiery red hair and clear blue eyes will be the next reigning monarch in this realm together with the power of Dragons. She is destined to be with me. I waited for her for almost five hundred years and now that I found my other half do you think I will let it go that easily. She is mine even before she was born" the Dragon King said with obsession and possessiveness.

The old man sweated with what he heard. He knows how dangerous a Dragon's obsession and possessiveness. But at least the woman is not also simple. "But of all beings that can fall on the girl, why is it the Dragon King" the old man mumbled to himself.

"What did you say?" asked the Dragon King.

"It's nothing but are you serious that girl is too young for you" the old man said.

The Dragon King frown and said very proudly "Hey old man do you think I'm like you. I'm not that old I'm just five hundred years old. Dragons can live for hundreds and thousands of years".

Old man Gao almost puke blood with what he heard. This man's comprehension is really something.

"Your highness the humans life span is different from Dragons" the old man reminded.

"I will make her drink the blood from my heart so that he can live with me for years" the Dragon King said seriously. "By the way old man I want to follow her on her journey to the Dark Elf's Kingdom. I want you to stay here in the Palace until I go back with her" he added.

"What! Your highness you have a lot of things to do here. The girl is stronger than you think of her" the old man said alerted.

"No buts old Gao, I want to follow her. Don't let others know what I am going to do. I don't want to put her in danger" the Dragon King said confidently.

"Your highness that's too dangerous" the Old man complained.

"Old man that is my woman whom we are talking about. Don't talk nonsense and just follow my command" the Dragon King said with irritation. "Liu Jin, come with me we need to follow my woman" he said and a handsome man with black hair appeared.

"Here is the teleportation ring near the gate of the Elven Kingdom" the shadow guard said handing over a green ring.

The Dragon King wear the ring and a green energy flowed out of it and surround him then in the blink of an eye he disappeared together with the his shadow guard.

"Your highness I hope you know what you are doing" the old man said after the two disappear.

At the back of the green Dragon, Flaira and Rei Jin together with the shadow guard are sitting comfortably. The Dragon is really huge, "We are here already hold on tight I'm going to land" he said.

The Green Dragon lands safely on the ground and the three get down from his back. The place seems like a virgin forest and there is a huge gate a little bit farther.

"Mr. Dragon thank you very much for bringing us here" Flaira said politely.

"Your welcome your highness" the Green Dragon replied. He sensed the breath of the Dragon King from the woman in front of him. "Be careful and don't let the Dark Elf Queen discover your existence. The gate over there is the entrance of the Elven Kingdom. It is divided into the Dark Elf territory and the White Elf Territory" he added.

"Thank you for your reminders, we will be careful" Flaira replied politely.

The Green Dragon flew upward then in an instant it disappeared from their sight.

"Miss you have to wear this" the shadow guard handed her a white robe with that seems like an armor. "You can change over there" the shadow guard pointed the huge three.

Flaira scratch her hair but follow the secret guard instruction. When she came behind the three, she directly changed her clothes.

Flaira was stunned when she already wearing the clothes that the shadow guard has brought her. She blushed when she see her exposed shoulders. There is also a hole in between her breast. The clothes are too sexy and revealing.

"What the heck is this clothes?" Flaira said to herself.

"Miss are you done changing?" asked the shadow guard.

"Yes I'm done" she forcefully get out behind the tree and the Dragon cub gasped with excitement.

"Sister you're too beautiful, when I grow up I want to marry you" the Dragon cub said while hugging her waist.

Flaira smile because of what the Dragon cub said.

"Really you want to marry me" Flaira said while smiling mischievously.

"Yes, I want to be with sister forever" the Dragon cub said while smiling warmly.

"Miss tie your hair with this ribbon" the shadow guard said and hand her two colors of ribbons. A blue and red ribbon is handed to her.

"No need for wearing this two I just need one" Flaira said while handing her back one of the two ribbons.

"Miss you need to wear the two ribbon because it has a strong protective magic. The King give this to me" the shadow guard said. "It could hide your powers and blends to any place and beings wherever you are" he added.

"Ok thank you" Flaira said to the shadow guard and tie the two ribbon on her hair in a ponytail.

"Now wear this your highness" the shadow guard said while handing her a black robe with hood.

"Ok, thank you for this" Flaira replied again while smiling warmly.