Chapter 4: Extreme Training

Hello, my name is Li Erniu, I am a rural soldier."

Seeing someone say hello, Li Erniu next to him said sternly.

"Er Niu, we are all a family, how do we divide the city and the countryside?"

Lu Yu quickly took the opportunity to change the subject: "He Chenguang, I have heard your name!"

"Did we know each other before?"

As expected, He Chenguang was distracted and asked in confusion.

"Are you the champion of the Asian Wushu Championship last year? I saw it in the news."

Lu Yu certainly wouldn't say, I saw you in a TV series, maybe I was regarded as crazy.

"Just him? Still champion?"

Wang Yanbing disdainfully curls his lips.

These two people have always been enemies!

"Don't believe it? How about we compare?"

He Chenguang looked at Wang Yanbing provocatively.

"Bi-just-bi, I'm afraid you won't make it? You haven't counted you for breaking my phone!"

Wang Yanbing is just a dynamite bag, how can I stand it?

As soon as his temper came up, he rolled up his sleeves!

Lu Yu didn't mean to persuade him at all.

smiled and stood by and watched the show.

These two are the first-class soldiers of the red blood cell in the future.

Soldier king fights, its rare!

Squad leader Lao Hei also noticed the situation here and was about to step forward to stop it.

"Don't hurry up, let's see what they do!"

Instructor Gong Jian stopped him.

"Everyone is a comrade-in-arms, maybe we will still be a company, a brother of a class, why bother?"

Li Erniu quickly discouraged.

"Guicai is brother to him."

Wang Yanbing was full of grievances: "This matter has nothing to do with you, go away!"

"You two have a grudge?"

"Er Niu, this is someone's private matter, so don't mix it up."

Lu Yu said with a smile: "He Chenguang smashed this guy's stall and broke his mobile phone. This hatred is great!"


Upon hearing this, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing were all stunned.

Including Li Erniu.

All three of them looked at him in surprise.

How does this guy know these things?

Mingming only met on the first day!

Isn't he… will he still be a prophet? !

Especially He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, their faces are dumbfounded.

This bit of black material about them is known to all as soon as they enter the army? It's really good to not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles…

Damn it!

This kid is such a broom star!

The two muttered at the same time, looking at each other's eyes even worse.

gearing up.

may do it anytime!

The movement here also fell into the eyes of Gong Jian and Lao Hei.

"I know these three soldiers were specially recruited by No. 5, but the old thing seems to have missed his eyes…"

Gong Jian's face was full of interested expressions.

"You said that you read comics? Lu Yu?"


Gong Jian smiled: "This guy feels different to me. He is the first one who dared to read comics in the boot camp. It is interesting."

"This doesn't explain anything, at best it is a thorn." Old Hei was puzzled.

"Haha! This kid in a few words provoked the contradiction of the three special recruits, faintly centered on him, behaved in a proper manner, stood like a javelin, and was a good soldier."

Gong Jian patted him on the shoulder: "If you missed the number five, we must take it down, and check him by the way."

Old Black thoughtfully.

"Let's go, don't let these rookies be too arrogant, we have to play."

The two walked towards the recruits together.

"Let them all be honest!"


Lao Hei immediately stepped forward and shouted with a dark face:

"It's all **** squat for me!"

sounds like thunder!

Drink it!

A bunch of recruits are confused.

But still honestly, squatted down.

Lu Yu curled his mouth, knowing that he would disarm the recruits and start.

"Why squat down? We are not criminals!"

Wang Yanbing's face was uneasy.

He was scammed by Fan Tianlei, detained in the police station, and when he squatted down, he always remembered being treated as a criminal, which hurt his self-esteem.

Except for him, Lu Yu beside him did not squat.

He Chenguang is from a military family and he is used to listening to orders.

For the first time, he pulled Li Erniu down.

As a result, I went to pull Lu Yu, and found that the other party was standing like a pine tree, but he didn't move…

Lu Yu certainly has his own ideas!

The primary factor of being a soldier is to act on orders. Military orders are like a mountain. You must learn to obey orders to be a good soldier.

But he, not only wants to be a good soldier, but also to be the king of all soldiers!

even, is the strongest commando king.

The first step to become the king of special forces, you cant just obey orders, so you can only be a small soldier forever, not a general!

can't become the king of soldiers in the army of millions.

"Interesting, so interesting!"

Seeing a group of recruits, two thorns suddenly appeared, and the old black grinned, showing his signature smile, which made people panic!

New recruits, squatting on the ground with their heads in their arms.

with big eyes staring at small eyes with a dazed face.

This strange queue is really a bit like the scene during the eradication of **** and crime.

"Do you know why you squatted down?"

Old Hei shouted loudly, looking around for a week, and seeing what everyone was expecting to know, a cold smile appeared on his face:

"Because I don't want to see your bad looks! Standing crooked and twisted one by one, without a soldier, it's an insult to the military uniforms you wear!"

The voice of the old black rose more than one degree. UU reading

looks like a tiger, roaring in the ear!

The shocked group of recruits paled.

"Look at what you all look like? Bear! You are a bunch of bear soldiers, or the most failed bear soldiers! But fortunately, you have come here, come to the Iron Fist, this is the gathering place of brave men, we are We must mold the losers into the winners and make the impossible possible!"

"No one knows your future, but it is up to you to decide whether to be a loser or a winner! In the future, I will be responsible for your training. You can call me the old black monitor."

Old Hei sorted out his tone.

glanced at the standing Lu Yu and Wang Yanbing: "You know, why am I called Lao Hei?"

The recruits looked at each other.

No one dares to answer!

Lao Hei had a sneer in his eyes: "My name is not Hei, but I was dark enough and cruel enough in training! Cruel and cruel! Everyone gave me this veritable nickname. In the next training, we will get along very happily!"

Upon hearing this, the recruits shuddered.

havent started training yet, many peoples hearts are already chilled…

"Are you all deaf? Do you understand?"

Lao Hei shouted.

"I understand!"

The recruits woke up and replied in unison.

"Remember, this is an iron fist team, with iron-like discipline! Originally your team could take a day off, but some of you violated the discipline on the first day, and the whole team will be punished."

Lao Hei narrowed his eyes slightly and shouted coldly.

"Ding! Trigger the system mission and get the first place in the next extreme training. If the mission is successful, you will receive 400 merit awards!"