Chapter 10: Target Training? I Apply To Change Groups

Lu Yu found a seat and looked quiet.

Systematic reading blessings, the sense of reading substitution reaches 100%, even this kind of boring biographies, Lu Yu reads with relish.

Sharpshooter Simon, is a Finnish soldier, and he is also the most murdered in the world sniper rankings. There are countless enemies who died in his hands, and he was almost headshot.

Because he likes to wear white camouflage clothes, travel through the wilderness of snow-covered mountains, and hide in the depths of the jungle, his enemies call him in horror-the white death.

He is the only sniper who can shoot the enemy without the help of a scope. He has a keen catching power that is almost abnormal, and his eyes look like an eagle, which can be called the realistic version of "Eagle Eye".

So far, no one has broken the record he has kept.

In the minds of many snipers, Simon is the out-and-out "God of Sniper"!

In addition to his best sniper rifle, he also uses dozens of guns and light weapons of various sizes and shapes, and his marksmanship is as good as a god.

Lu Yu followed Simons perspective, adventuring in the jungle, mountains, and snow, as if he had become a sharpshooter.

Perform all kinds of secret missions for the country and kill all the enemies who come!

I immersed myself in reading, and I dont know how long it took.

was interrupted by a voice in his ear: "Brother Yu, are you alright? I'm starving to death. I have to train in the afternoon. I have to eat a full meal!"

Lu Yu raised his head to look at him with a trace of confusion in his eyes. After a while, he gradually turned to Qingming.

He realized that he was reading a book, not the real sharpshooter Simon…

"Am I Lu Yu?" Lu Yu murmured.

"Yeah, aren't you just Brother Yu?"

He Chenguang scratched his head in wonder.

An Daoyu brother reads books, doesn't he bad his head, right?

Lu Yu took a deep breath and asked, "Can the recruits borrow books here?"


He Chenguang looked weird: "You don't want to take this book and go to the shooting range to read it?"

"Of course, I can't delay my reading because of training!"

Lu Yu nodded naturally.

He Chenguang shook his head and smiled bitterly when Lu Yu went to the counter to go through the procedures.

Did someone train you to read a book next to you? How does this style of painting feel inappropriate?

Yes, we dont understand the world of scholars.

"Everyone has it, stand at attention! Look to the right, look forward! Take a break!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the recruits assembled on the training ground on time.

Lao Hei stood in front of the team, looked around, and said loudly: "I've been in the army these days, haven't you touched a gun?"


The recruits replied loudly, with excitement on their faces.

The crowd began to whisper.

Man, he has been interested in guns since he was a child. Who did not have many toy guns when he was a child?

Even the look in Li Erniu's eyes showed a different kind of brilliance.

Especially men who are soldiers, who dont love guns.

Compared to yesterdays physical training and morning courage training, these are just the most basic.

When you serve as a soldier, you are on the battlefield, not the stadium. Even if you can run, can you run past the bullet?

That's why the gun is the soul of a soldier!

marksmanship has a decisive effect on the battlefield.

is more about the victory of a war.

Sharpshooter does not rely on hard work, it needs enough talent and a lot of bullets to be fed.

Many recruits are eager to try. Lu Yu was robbed of the limelight in the previous two training sessions and wanted to find some face in this shooting.

Soon, everyone was led to the shooting training ground.

Several long tables are filled with various firearms and equipment.

56 semi-auto rifle, 95 assault rifle, 88 sniper rifle…

shines oily and shines in the sun!

"Do you want to touch it?"

"miss you!"

"Okay, I will teach you how to shoot today."

The recruits are gearing up one by one, only feeling their hands itchy.

After explaining, the old black asked the instructors to distribute the guns.

This time, the new recruits are all Type 81 rifles.

Compared with Type 56, Type 81, all aspects have been upgraded. The longer barrel brings higher accuracy and range power.

"Damn! This guy is so heavy!"

Li Erniu happily held the gun, the look in his eyes, like looking at his own wife, made Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang shudder.

This silly cow, wouldn't he still sleep with a gun at night?

Looking at the energetic faces in front of him, the old black couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Before that battle, he was also surrounded by the same group of recruits. He still remembers the bright smiles on everyone's faces, but now, he is the only one left…

War is cruel. If possible, he would never want this group of recruits to experience the baptism of war!

But as soldiers, defending their homes and fighting on the battlefield, they are born with a sense of mission and responsibility.

Dare to fight, dare to fight, not afraid of bleeding, this is the Dragon Kingdom soldier.

They must go through this process in the future!

"The guns in your hands are uniformly calibrated by veterans, and in the future, you must calibrate the guns according to your shooting habits."

The old black cast aside the distracting thoughts, and said in a deep voice.

Next, the instructors taught the recruits to be familiar with the gun.

"Lu Yu, you can answer, why should the gun be calibrated?"

Lao Hei took the opportunity to look at Lu Yu, smiling inexplicably.

Lu Yu was taken aback, thought about it quickly, and replied: "It's because on the battlefield, to prevent the gun from being picked up by the enemy after falling and hurting his teammates."

The book by the Sharpshooter Simon ~~Although I haven't read it yet, a lot of knowledge about firearms by Simon has penetrated into his mind.

This question wants to stump him, it's impossible!

Lao Hei glanced at him unexpectedly, nodded and said: "Yes, the answer is very good, you should remember this too."

Finally, it's the highlight.

Target shooting training!

"Next, start shooting training, 10 bullets per person, free shooting! I will show you again."

Old Black took the gun and walked to the shooting stand.

The bullet was loaded, aimed, ten shots bang bang, all in one go.

"One hundred rings!"

Target reporter holding a telescope.

announced the old black results.

Papa Papa…

The recruits immediately applauded.

a hundred rings, but ten rings!

This level, among the veterans, is enough to be among the best.

"On the battlefield, bullets won't be polite to you. The more precise the marksmanship will make you live longer than others! Although physical fitness is important, marksmanship is more critical."

These words were clearly told to Lu Yu, wanting to find the place yesterday.

"Every group of 5 people, the first group will take a cake, the second group will prepare."

The recruits started shooting freely.

The training field seemed like firecrackers were set off, and the gunshots kept on.

There are not a few recruits who have never touched a gun.

"The second group is on the court, He Chenguang, Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing, Lu Yu…"

The five people named by their names all stepped out, preparing to go to the shooting range and fall down.

However, at this time a discordant voice sounded.

"Report, I apply to change the group!"

Old Hei turned his head and looked, his face turned black immediately.

It is not someone else who speaks, it is Lu Yu!