Chapter 17: Art Performance

The Regimental Logistics Department Farm, although much slack than conventional troops, still needs training every day.

I came here for three days. Since the people in the logistics department were very enthusiastic, Lu Yu and the company commander Wu Hongtao also got together.

Training on this day, taking a break.

Wu Hongtao and several platoon leaders were sitting together, smoking a cigarette and discussing matters, Lu Yu just came over.

Seeing Lu Yu, Wu Hongtao smiled and shook his head: "I don't know what your kid thought, such a good seed, who volunteered to come to our logistics company? The recruits ranked first in the assessment, and now there is no one in the regiment who does not know you."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Company commander, I think our logistics company is very good. The big guys are very enthusiastic and take good care of me."

"Haha! It sounds pretty good. There is not only a farm in the logistics department, but also a bunch of good men. The soldiers here may not be the best in the army, but they must be the most hospitable and enthusiastic!"

Wu Hongtao laughed and looked at Lu Yu with admiration.

This kid fits his taste very well, he is not arrogant or impetuous, he is capable and humble, and he is a good soldier with leverage.

"Lu Yu, sit down!"

Wu Hongtao handed Lu Yu a cigarette.

"Thank company commander!"

Lu Yu took it with a smile, lighted it on his mouth, and swallowed the clouds and fog.

Originally, Lu Yu didn't smoke, but when he came to the logistics office, he couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the big guy, so he started to learn to smoke this stuff.

"Company commander, what are you discussing?"

"Hey, isn't this Mid-Autumn Festival approaching? According to the rules of the Iron Fist, a cultural performance will be held.

"Art performance?" Lu Yu was taken aback: "Does our logistics company have a program?"

"There is a fart!"

Wu Hongtao threw away the cigarette **** in his hand and stomped it out: "Iron Fist regiment, but the elite troops of the entire military region, the head of the military region will also come to participate this time, as well as the people from the cultural and industrial troupe! This performance is professional, let us Is it comparable? It is said that the chief has come back with interest and will perform on-site shooting. This is the skill of the sharpshooter. No matter what, there is nothing for us."

"Isn't it!" A platoon leader complained: "We can only be responsible for logistical support every time. Standing outside and blowing cold wind, it's called a cold air in my heart!"

"The limelight was all taken away by them. Our logistics office can only show others the venue!"

"That's it, why don't you go to the armed cross country? Just look at the triumph of those guys…"

Lu Yu understood.

In this literary performance, the logistics department is only responsible for some chores, and the big guy feels unbalanced.

"Company commander, we can also put on a show, go up and perform!" Lu Yu suggested.

"I want to **** my mother…"

Wu Hongtao was depressed: "Look, these big gents have a voice like a drake. It's okay for them to feed the pigs and perform shows? Who are you counting on?"

A few platoon leaders chuckled: "Isn't it, I'm really bad at singing…or else, let others know about pig raising?"


Wu Hongtao scolded angrily:

"You can do it, I still want this face! A bunch of rascals, no artistic talent."

Lu Yu thought for a moment, and said, "Company commander, should I give it a try?"

"Huh? Are you here?"

Wu Hongtao looked at him in surprise.

"Don't worry, company commander, leave it to me!"

Lu Yu smiled confidently: "If you don't do it, you must do it. If you don't have the conditions to create the conditions, you must do it. You can't let people laugh at us!"

"Okay, just say this, you kid, I really read it right!"

Wu Hongtao laughed and patted Lu Yu on the shoulder: "I will apply to the head of the delegation right away, and our logistics office will also have a program. We have to let them know that the logistics office also has cultural and artistic elements. Don't underestimate us!"

"Lu Yu, that's great, I need help talking."

"Everyone will support you!"

Several platoon leaders applauded.

"Lu Yu, what are you going to perform?"

Wu Hongtao asked again.

"Sing a song."

has been in this world for almost ten years, and he has a certain understanding.

In the world of special forces, the troops are very prosperous, but there are not many related military songs.

There are only a few songs such as unity is strength, and most of the classic military songs from his previous life are missing!

He can choose one of them to sing.

I believe it can bring unexpected results!


Wu Hongtao suspiciously: "Is it true? The people in the art troupe are not vegetarians. This is a big deal in front of Guan Gong!"

"No problem, company commander."

Lu Yu patted his chest and promised: "If you don't believe me, you can make a military order."

"Okay, don't make any military orders, don't I still believe your kid? Continue training, I will go to the team leader for approval."

Wu Hongtao pressed a sentence and left in a hurry.

"Lu Yu, our logistics office is up to you!"

"You must fight for us!"

Lu Yu smiled: "Just wait."

At night, Lu Yu was lying on the bed alone, holding a modern vocal music encyclopedia, watching with relish.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host. After reading the modern vocal music tutorial, I have obtained the elite singing skills, the golden voice, and the basic knowledge of the elite music theory."

"Golden Voice Elite Edition: After using this skill, your singing will reach soul resonance, direct to people's hearts, enough to hold a small concert, and move at least 10,000 people!"

Hearing the system prompt, Lu Yu smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Can you touch ten thousand people? Enough."

For the Mid-Autumn Festival performance tomorrow.

Lu Yu is full of confidence!

Although it cost 1000 points of merit, but with this skill ~~ can win some honors for the logistics company, it is also very worthwhile.

closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

Mid-Autumn Festival is here as promised!

The barracks are full of festive atmosphere.

Mid-Autumn Festival is an important festival in the tradition of the Dragon Kingdom. It is also the first festival that the recruits left home for the first time in the army.

I miss my relatives every festive season. This Mid-Autumn Festival cultural performance dilutes the soldiers homesickness and deepens the sense of belonging to the troops.

After training in the morning, all companies gathered at the playground after having lunch, waiting for the party to start.

"Taozi, I heard that your logistics office is also preparing to show on this time. Really?"

"Haha! It's amazing, does the logistics department want to overshadow the prestige of the sharpshooter?"

Several familiar company-level cadres gathered around Wu Hongtao and laughed.

"Hmph, are you unconvinced? If you have the ability, prepare one too!" Wu Hongtao glanced at a few people out of breath.

"Well, just our soldiers, sing a song like a pig, don't you go up and make people laugh?"

"Tsk tsk, I envy you, I actually included Lu Yu, the first recruit in the whole regiment!"

"It's really more popular than the dead…"

Several company commanders were jealous.

"Lu Yu, this soldier, everything is outstanding!"

On the contrary, Wu Hongtao looked proud and smiled like a flower: "Hey, keep your eyes open later, take a good look at our logistics department company, how do you overcome the style of sharpshooter Silian and the art troupe!"

"Taozi, you said you were fat and panting?"

"Don't brag to death!"

"Wait when you lose, don't cry too ugly."

Wu Hongtao: ""