Chapter 22: I Want To Fight

Mid-Autumn Festival, a rare holiday.

"Brother Yu!"

"Hello Brother Yu!"

After returning to the dormitory, the soldiers in the corridor saw Lu Yu, regardless of veterans and recruits, they all greeted him respectfully.

In the army, he has always respected the strong. Lu Yu's strength has conquered the entire regiment. Except for the four companies of the sharpshooter, there is no one who is not convinced by him now.

finally walked into the dormitory. Before he had time to sit down and rest, Wu Hongtao from the logistics company hurried in.

"Lu Yu, hurry up, follow me!"

Wu Hongtao said nothing, and ran outside while pulling him.

Outside the door, the other soldiers were not surprised to see the company commander personally come to recruit people. After all, it was Lu Yu.

"What's wrong, company commander?" Lu Yu looked inexplicable.

"Come with me to the regiment department. The head of the regiment called me just now. I don't know the specifics, but the tone seems to be wrong. Please pay attention when you go."

Coming to the office of the head of the delegation, Lu Yu clearly felt that the atmosphere here had become unusual, and it seemed a little depressed.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door, shouting a report.

"Come in!"


Lu Yu pushed the door and walked in and found that in the office, besides the head of the team, Mr. Kang, there were several generals sitting on the sofa.

After he came in, his eyes swept over!

Master Kang sat behind his desk, looking helpless.

"Hello leader!"

Lu Yu stands at attention and salutes.

"Okay, I have called you people, if you have anything you want to say, just ask them in front of the soldiers."

Master Kang glanced at Lu Yu and said in a deep voice.

As soon as the voice fell off, a lady officer in military uniform walked up to Lu Yu and looked at her with appreciation.

"Sure enough, a talented person, he looks very handsome, and he sings well, has such a good musical talent, and it is a waste of talent to be among men! Are you interested in our art troupe? That is the best place for you."

"To the cultural troupe?"

Lu Yu was taken aback, the female officer continued:

"Only when you stand on the stage can you fully demonstrate your talents and welcome flowers and applause. I promise you will become the most dazzling star in the army in a short time. Even singing on the Spring Festival Gala is not a problem…"

"Pull it down!"

Next to him, a middle-aged man curled his lips: "Tough guy in the army, staying with you ladies in the art troupe, what is it like to grind and chirp? The place where Lu Yu should go most is to do it in our teaching group. Shooting instructors serve the soldiers of the entire military region and improve the overall shooting level."

"Hmph, the sharpshooters in the teaching group are almost forming a reinforced platoon. Is this one worse?"

A black and thin officer stared at Lu Yu and solemnly said: "Your shooting talent is already very outstanding. There is nothing to improve in this aspect, but as a soldier, you will be on the battlefield in the future. You should come to our fighting camp and learn to kill people systematically. Skills, this will benefit your development!"

"Okay, I don't think you guys should rob me. The guard company should come the most. How important is the chief's defense work? This sharpshooter should do it! Besides, the guard company can be called a secret agent in the big house. Staying with the chief all day, getting the moon near the water tower, Lu Yu, should you understand?" Another person stood up and said.

Lu Yu was dumbfounded, almost dazzled by these people.

Is this still the usual, majestic officers? How does it feel like entering a vegetable market and meeting a hawker selling vegetables?

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn his gaze to Captain Kang.


Master Kang cleared his throat: "Everyone, should we listen to the meaning of the soldiers?"

The red-faced generals who were arguing, only then woke up, smiled embarrassedly, and sat back in their positions again.

"Lu Yu, talk about your own thoughts. If you don't want to, no one will force you to choose."

Master Kang stared at Lu Yu. In fact, he was not sure about Lu Yu's decision to stay.

The iron fist group is a standing strategy group. The training conditions are harsh, and the conditions are not as good as those directly under the organization. Lu Yu will only develop better if he leaves.


Lu Yu thought for a while, bowed to the generals around him, and said: "Sirs, thank you for your love for me, but I don't plan to leave here."


The generals present all looked at Lu Yu.

is full of surprise and doubt!

Now as a soldier, who doesn't want to find a relaxed and stable environment, spend a few years in an agency, and get results.

choose to stay at the grassroots level, enough to boil!

"There is no why, I am a soldier, not for comfort, but to fight."

Unexpected answer.

There is no high talk, no passion, but it is exactly Lu Yu's most true thoughts!

His goal is to become the best special force, and to achieve this goal, he can only experience the temper of war.

Even if there is no system, he would choose this way!

Ease can only make people degenerate.

A group of generals were silent.

But soon, admiration appeared on their faces, and they also envied Commander Kang for having such a soldier.

This is a real soldier!

is worthy of admiration.

"Good, good!" Commander Kang said three good words in succession, and Lu Yu became more and more pleasing to his eyes.

Lu Yu made a decision, and they had nothing to do. After all, there was no order issued by the military area, and they were unwilling and could only return in disappointment.

Captain Kang got up, came to Lu Yu, and patted his shoulder vigorously: "Good boy, you stay here. Although there are no flowers and applause, you will not be promoted so quickly, but you will have the most iron. Brother, you can rest assured to hand your life in their hands! Those who serve as soldiers should have hot blood, and if they have the strength, they must go to battle to kill the enemy and serve the motherland."

"Yes, leader!"

said such a thing, but also valued him.

"Work hard, UU Reading Iron Fist Team will not treat you badly, until the next military area promotion, you will definitely have your share."

"Thank you, the captain." Lu Yu smiled slightly.

The generals on the scene also sighed, although Lu Yu did not go to the agency, but stayed in the Southeast Military Region, I am afraid that in the future, he will receive more attention!

"Okay, you go back first."


Salute again, and Lu Yu left the office.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, who received the attention of officers including Captain Kang, won the title of small reputation, and awarded 500 merit points."

Lu Yu, who had just left the office, was taken aback.

This is an unexpected joy!

the next day.

Tekken training range.

The soldiers of the logistics company company are doing shooting training.

"Hey, isn't that four marksman?"

"Shall we give them the position?"

"What do you want? What is so great about Sharpshooter Silian? Continue training and ignore them!"

Because of the Mid-Autumn Festival Art Performance, Lu Yu made a blockbuster and shocked the audience, and was rated as a super sharpshooter by Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei, commander of the military region.

Now the soldiers in the logistics department are emboldened on the training ground.

is no longer the way it used to be, and I always feel treated with discrimination.

Especially the four companies gathered by sharpshooters, used to be a high mountain in their eyes, but now it seems that this mountain is no longer so unattainable.

"Hey, your logistics department, let me quickly."

"This training range is exclusive to the four companies of our sharpshooters."

"You guys who raise pigs, it's ridiculous to grab a seat with us!"

The four of the sharpshooter came and shouted loudly.