Chapter 25: Decapitate Tekken 1

quack quack.

Tank formations can be seen everywhere, crushing through the training ground fiercely, billowing thick smoke, loud roaring loudly.

High in the sky, the armed helicopter formation began to take off, circling and pulling up the cordon.

The first set off was the military vehicle of the reconnaissance company, clearing the way for the large forces in the front, followed by the engineer unit, responsible for opening the bridge and paving the road to ensure that the road was clear.

"Hurry, hurry, get in the car!"

"Assemble urgently!"

and such passwords resounded in every camp.

The logistics department company where Lu Yu was also assembled in an emergency.

Everyone put on their equipment, and under the call of company commander Wu Hongtao, they boarded the car in order to check their firearms and weapons.

"Lu Yu, follow me behind!"

"Yes, company commander."

Seeing everyone in the car, Wu Hongtao waved his sleeve: "Go!"

"Ding! Check that the host is participating in the exercise and turn on the hunting system."

"Hunting and killing system mission: In this exercise, you will get ten merit points for every ordinary enemy you destroy. If you kill generals or special forces, merit points will be increased according to the corresponding level! If you exceed the mission, you will also receive physical rewards with related attributes. ."

Hearing this task, Lu Yu's whole body was refreshed.

I didnt expect that it was just an exercise, and the hunting system would be activated?

He took a deep breath, immediately clenched the gun, and geared his hands together. This is the best time to get merit points!

"Company commander, what is our mission?" Lu Yu asked.

"What else? The main tasks were snatched by Sharpshooter 4th Company and Tiger 6th Company. Only our logistics company was arranged on the task to ensure smooth traffic."

Wu Hongtao said with a depressed face.

Lu Yu immediately raised his brows!

Which line of this?

To ensure smooth traffic, isnt it just standing on the side of the road as a traffic policeman? Like a security guard, how to kill.

I cant kill the enemy, so how can I earn merits, and such a good opportunity is wasted? ? ?

He is going to show off in this exercise, and then join He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and the others, join the Spike Brigade and become a member of the red blood cell.

I quickly thought about it, and suddenly I thought that in the original plot, at the beginning of the exercise, Master Kong of the Iron Fist Group was beheaded by Fan Tianlei's blue army.

This is a great opportunity!

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Yu said quickly: "Company commander, can you send me to the commander's side?"


Wu Hongtao looked at Lu Yu in surprise, and said in a deep voice: "Military orders are like mountains! You should know that without military orders, you can't transfer people casually."

In response, Lu Yu smiled slightly and leaned closer and whispered: "Company commander, you have to send me because the military situation is urgent!"

"Why, what do you know?"

"I guess that our regimental leader should be on the way to the transfer and may be ambushed by the blues!"

Wu Hongtao's pupils shrank slightly. He was also a veteran. Hearing Lu Yu's analysis, he immediately thought of something: "You mean, beheading?"


Wu Hongtao's eyes flickered violently. According to his understanding of Fan Tianlei's group, it is really possible to do such a thing.

After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth sharply: "Okay, I will send you over. It is a peaceful age. It is very difficult for us soldiers to go to the battlefield. Exercises are actual combat! I will bear what happened!"

"Company commander, rest assured, we won't lose." Lu Yu was also moved in his heart.

He knows what Wu Hongtao means!

In peace times, it would be difficult to obtain military merit without war, and it would be even more difficult to get promoted. This large-scale exercise is an excellent opportunity for performance.

"Hurry up, the leader will leave it to you safely."


The car stopped halfway, and Lu Yu jumped out of the car, saluted him, then turned and galloped away.

"Company commander, a single soldier rushed over, do you want to stop it?"

"What did you stop? Didn't you see that it was the super sharpshooter Lu Yu? Seeing him in such a hurry, there must be an emergency military situation. Stop the convoy behind and let him go first."

On the other side, the Special Operations Brigade Command Center.

Fan Tianlei sat in front of a row of monitors, watching the pictures uploaded from the drone in front.

"The Golden Eagle is the team leader of the Iron Fist."

Fan Tianlei showed a fox-like smile and pointed to the screen: "I know, Lao Kang is going to be on duty. Isn't the Raiden Commando right there? Let them hurry over. This big fish can't be let go.


Immediately, the attack command was issued.

At this moment, on the winding road, the jeep under the command of Master Kong, the head of the iron fist group, is moving forward.

Around , there is a vast and mighty armored convoy, rolling over.

Fighters roared in the blue sky, and there were countless armed helicopters circling and patrolling.

A feeling of oppression that comes from wind and rain, forcing people to breathe hard!

Li Erniu, who was riding a ride on the head of the group because he was left behind, swallowed casually while looking out the window, his face pale.

"This… Is this really going to be a war?"

Master Kang frowned and looked at him without speaking.

Li Erniu shrank his neck in fright.

"What? I'm scared when I hear of a war. This is not a qualified soldier."

Upon hearing this, Li Erniu hesitated and said nervously: "No…no, regimental commander, I just want to be a soldier in the army!"

"Just like you are like a bear, you are still fighting? Even your own troops have lost contact, and you have a fart fight! I think you should go to the cooking class for your virtue!" Master Kong was angry at Li Erniu.

"Report, I belong to the cooking class."


Master Kang was choked~~ For a while, he was speechless and shouted: "Then go to the farm! Raise pigs!"

"Hey, Brother Yu is on the logistics farm, so I can go to the farm."

Li Erniu scratched his head and smiled silly.

Captain Kang is completely convinced, dare to feel that this is a silly, can't understand the good and the bad?

Suddenly, he asked again, "Is the person you talking about called Lu Yu?"

"Huh? Commander, how do you know?"


Master Kang just spoke.


There were violent explosions on both sides of the convoy.

Two huge fireballs rose up in front, and the soil was blasted into a large hole, filled with sand and dust, and smoke billowed.


The jeep slammed the brakes, and Chief Kang fell over without paying attention, his face was pale with pain in his ribs.

The convoy came to a halt, and many soldiers were hit with black noses and swollen faces.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The guards accompanying him immediately yelled, jumped out of the vehicle, attached to the vicinity of the military vehicle, and pulled the cordon.

"Let the Raiden Commando attack, give them some color and see."

Through the drone, he captured the scene before him, and Fan Tianlei continued to give instructions.


Boom boom boom.

The huge explosions continue, and the firepower is very fierce.

"Damn it! Since we don't have anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft troops, use this to bully people."

Master Kang hit the door with a punch, gritted his teeth, and stared at the drone above his head.

"Captain, the enemy is about to surround him."

"It's the lightning commando of the special forces brigade!"

"Oops! They are going to behead!"

The guard even changed his face.