Chapter 46: Won Second Class Merit

"Eh? Have you heard that? The military area exercise that just ended, because of four private soldiers, the Blue Army suffered heavy losses!"

"What? Four privates? Bragging!"

"The Blues have never been defeated in these years!"

"Hey! I know you don't believe it."

The person who spoke at the beginning said triumphantly: "Although the military area officials announced that it was a tie! In fact, this time the Blues were beaten so that they couldnt lift their heads. If you go back to your respective units and ask, you dont know. Now? Its no secret in the military district."

"What is going on? Let's talk about it?"

"Stop selling off!"

The guy cleared his throat and said, "The most powerful one is a private soldier named Lu Yu! People don't even need to grab a water bottle and shoot down the high-altitude drone of the Special Operations Brigade."

"Furthermore, before the Blue Army carried out the beheading operation, he took the other three to leave, and also instigated the dogs of the Blue Army Canine Company, sniped the armored convoy of the Special Operations Brigade, and exploded three tanks with one gun! Finally! Touching the blue army command base not only killed the blue army commander, but also completely wiped out the Spokesmen…"

"Damn! Such a big deal?"

"real or fake?"

"It's a god!"

"Hey! Can there be fakes? This is absolute news! By the way, this soldier is the one who sang the song "Forever Warrior" at the Mid-Autumn Festival Art Show."

"How do I feel like watching a movie?"

"It's so amazing, are you still human?"

"I can fight again, I can sing, both civil and military…"

"It hurts self-esteem too much!"

"I didn't believe it at first, but everyone said that, can there be fakes?"

"Listening to you, I really want to see such a fierce man with my own eyes! Almighty military genius, rare in a century…"

Everyone is talking about the follow-up of this war.

While sighing, they admire Lu Yu more and more!

Everyone wants to be a hero, but it turns out that not everyone can be a hero.

Within a short time after the exercise , Lu Yu's name spread throughout the military area!

Maybe someone doesn't know who the commander of the military region is, but they will never know Lu Yu.

On this day, the head of the military region personally commended Lu Yu.

In view of his outstanding performance in the exercise, he killed the spies who had mixed into the military area, and issued a second-class medal of merit, and he was promoted to lieutenant.

And Lu Yu also became the first soldier. He was promoted to lieutenant just after the recruit training, breaking the record.

In terms of military rank alone, Lu Yu at this moment has the qualifications to serve as a company officer.

A recruit passed a drill, obtained outstanding merits, and was promoted to lieutenant.

This kind of promotion speed is unique in the history of the entire military region!

spread out, fearing that many people in other military regions would be jealous.

But he deserves it!

Destroy the remnant brigade, destroy many high-level leaders including the blue army commander, reverse the situation of the Red Army with one person, and kill two real enemies!

If it were put in the war years, it would be no problem to use Lu Yu's military merits and special medals.

But it is impossible for an exercise to rise to the actual combat level. The second-class merit medal is already extremely rare.

In the army, if you want to get a second-class merit medal, let alone breaking your arm or leg.

First-class merit medal, I'm afraid it's half my life.

And the special military medals, in the peaceful era, 90% are awarded to the sacrificed combat martyrs!

However, Lu Yus merits are recorded on his military merits, which is very beneficial for future advancement.

In addition, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Li Erniu were also awarded third-class merits.

Even Kang Lei, the head of the Iron Fist regiment, and Gong Jian, the instructor, have all been praised by the head of the military region, and they have become a big hit.

The four Lu Yu, like heroes triumphantly, received a warm welcome after returning to the Iron Fist.

The head of Master Kang was in a good mood, and he held a celebration party for Lu Yu and the others, showing that there are no taboos today and brought a box of beer up there.

Let everyone celebrate!

However, Lu Yu is also in a bit of trouble.

He proposed that he wanted to keep the army dog. Kang Lei promised to give him a reward. What he said was like water poured out, but it was not easy to refuse.

But it also showed that only one army dog can be left, and the others must be returned to the army dog company.

Lu Yu didn't even think about it, so he chose the mighty general!

However, when the trainer of the military dog heard this, he was heartbroken and refused to let go.

Kang Lei had no choice but to solve this matter by Lu Yu himself.

"Uuuu…Harry, why did you ignore me? You must have been tricked by the enemy and blinded! I won't hand you over to that Lu Yu."

Lu Yu came to the outside of the tent, and heard the sound of crying inside.

He touched his nose, raised the tent and walked in.

"Comrade, you are a big man, why are you crying here?"

Seeing the person who snatched the dog with him, the trainer wiped his tears and turned his head to ignore the person.

Lu Yu didn't care either, shrugged and found a place to sit down.

"The new recruits are going to the company, and the veterans are facing retirement, are you on the verge of it?" Lu Yu asked calmly.

"none of your business?"

The trainer turned his head and stared at Lu Yu fiercely.

seems to be disgusted with this question!

This expression was written on his face. Lu Yu knew that he had guessed it correctly, and then asked: "You are discharged, do you want General Mighty to be discharged with you?"

"It's called Harry, not the mighty general."

The trainer said with a flushed neck.

"Okay, it doesn't matter what you call it, are you willing to end its military career?"

"Of course not willing!"

The trainer sullenly replied: "Harry is still young~~It should stay in the army and complete its mission."

"Hehe, this is not enough."

Lu Yu smiled and spread out his hands: "After you leave, you still have to give it to someone else? Instead of handing it to a stranger, you should give it to me. At least the mighty general likes me very much, right?"

I have to admit that what Lu Yu said makes sense.

The dog trainer didn't know how to refute, so he could only be silent!

In this exercise, Lu Yu's achievements are obvious to all. A recruit who has never been in contact with dog training can make all military dogs obey his command.

What kind of talent does this have?

Perhaps, it is indeed the best plan to hand it over to him.

Maybe in the future, Harry will become the best war dog king in the military district.

Its more promising than following myself…

"I admit that you are right. Well, I will give it to you! But you must promise me to treat it well and never let it get sick!"

After a long time, the trainer sighed quietly.

"Hehe, I can assure you, let alone being sick! The mighty general will definitely become the best army dog brother, the king of dogs."

Lu Yu patted his chest and smiled confidently.

Army Dog Brother?

The king of dogs?

Hearing this name, the dog handler couldn't help but smile.

The two looked at each other, a bright smile appeared on their faces, and they laughed at the same time: "Hahahahaha!"


The mighty general, who was lying outside the door, suddenly raised his head, his thief eyeballs rushing around!

Who is talking about this dog in secret?

I feel like Mao, there are always people who want to harm me? !