Chapter 60 - Arrived At The Assembly Point

Jiankang Railway Station.

An Internet cafe.

Lu Yu moved his fingers, and after hacking the system of the Public Security Information Command Center, he gave the armed police troops stationed at the railway station an instruction to withdraw.

The command was successfully sent, and after receiving a confirmation reply, he quickly shut down the computer and evacuated immediately.

The group of armed police security officers wanting to track down their IP address is nothing short of idiotic dreams!

The title of the world's top super hacker is not just a talk.

Withdrawal from the public security information system, Lu Yu does not need to look at it, fully showing his confidence as a top hacker.

Seeing Lu Yu leaving from the Internet cafe, Xiaopingtou's webmaster was relieved, and smiled dryly: "Brother, you have a good journey, come back next time if you have time!"

Lu Yu, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped.

Little flat-headed face turned green!

"Brother, I'm just being polite, please don't cooperate with me like that…"

Xiao Pingtou wanted to cry without tears, secretly said, would he want to kill someone?

Lu Yu ignored him, went straight behind the counter, turned on the surveillance camera equipment, and deleted the backup video from the Internet cafe.

As a top hacker, he must not leave any clues, and all details that may expose his information must be destroyed!


Xiaopingtou took a breath.

was so scared that he thought he was going to be destroyed by a shot.

It turned out not to be against my fat tiger!

Lu Yu paused, then turned to look at him.

Xiaoping had a sharp head, and his legs started to swing again, so scared.

"Brother…you, what else do you want?"

"I'm leaving, you won't call the police, will you?" Lu Yu asked deeply.

"Brother, what are you talking about? We are my own family, why would I call the police?" Xiaopingtou was crying.

"How do I know, is it true or not?"

Xiaopingtou resolutely shook his head: "No, I am most afraid of death, I dare not die!"

Lu Yu's eyes narrowed in a dangerous arc: "You have watched police and gangster movies. What should I do if this happens? I don't need to teach you?"

Xiao Pingtou was stunned, and his head turned quickly.

"Ah, I understand!"

Under the adrenaline secretion, he slammed his forehead and said awe-inspiringly: "Brother, you don't need to do it yourself, I will do it myself."

The words fell, he regarded death as his home, yelling ah… Boom, hitting the door frame, knocking himself out.

Lu Yu was stunned, looking at the blood bag swollen on Xiaoping's head, which was bigger than a pigeon egg.

The desire to survive is so strong? I've been cruel to myself, admire!

"Sun… this kid is a wolf!"

Gee, he stopped staying and walked out of the Internet cafe.

The original road returned to the assembly point. It was only ten minutes after Lu Yu left before.

Li Erniu and others are looking forward to it here.

"I told you that Brother Yu will not leave us behind, you must trust Brother Yu! No matter what happens, Brother Yu will come to save us…"

From far away, I heard Li Erniu spit flying wildly, and then told them that Lu Yu was good.

Lu Yu felt warm in his heart.

The word brothers is that simple trust, not any money can buy it back.

"I am back!"

Lu Yu smiled and strode forward.

When they saw him, the three of them immediately surrounded him with excitement.

"Brother Yu, you are finally back, won't you really go online?" Xu Tianlong asked.

"My brother Yu, we are all waiting to die! Have you thought of a way?"

Song Kaifei grabbed his hand and glanced back and forth: "There are police everywhere here, it's scary…"

"I transferred the police away and can go now." Lu Yu smiled.

The three of them were taken aback.

Xin asked, why would Brother Yu also brag?

A few people stared at each other and smiled bitterly: "Brother Yu, when is this? Are you still in the mood for joking?"

"Yes, transfer the police away? Brother Yu, they only listen to the orders of the police command center, how could you transfer?" Song Kaifei complained.

"It's true. I just hacked into the system of the Public Security Information Command Center and cancelled the stationing point on the train station. We can leave now!"

Lu Yu said casually: "However, we must move fast. The police will respond quickly and must leave Jiankang as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei both stared!

Did you hear me wrong? After such a short while, Lu Yu actually hacked into the police command center system?

It seems that he was still reading a book just now… Adding knowledge?

A computer novice who only reads a book becomes a hacker master, and also hacked the command system of the Ministry of Public Security?


Why does it sound so mysterious?

The two of them have weird faces, obviously suspicious!

is a normal person who cant believe it, right? ? ?

Lu Yu didn't explain, but waited quietly in place.

One minute later.

The police stationed near the railway station all began to retreat in an orderly manner.

toot toot.

One after another police cars roared and walked away, and the patrol police force instantly lost more than half!

"Really evacuated!" Song Kaifei was dumbfounded.

"Forgive me for my ignorance, I can only say that I will be the world!" Xu Tianlong sighed secretly.

Li Erniu was full of pride: "I told you earlier that Brother Yu said that if there is a way, there will be a way, and nothing can be bothering him."

In other words, this is how the little fan was made!

Lu Yu Niubi is more proud than himself.

It was like the person who hacked into the police command system, not Lu Yu, but Li Erniu.

Lu Yu smiled lightly: "Go!"

After all the police were evacuated, the four quickly walked into the train station.

I bought a station ticket and took the latest flight to leave Jiankang!

They will change lanes in other cities, and then take a bus to Jinlong City to meet at the assembly point.

Lu Yu didn't get on the train, but went to the airport and bought a direct ticket to Jinlong City.

He must arrive as quickly as possible, otherwise the bet with Fan Tianlei will be invalidated!

Relying on his face-changing camouflage skills~~ Lu Yu easily passed the security check without the airport police knowing.

After Lu Yu got on the plane, the public security command headquarters reacted.

They redeployed police forces to carry out anti-encirclement and suppression operations.

Lu Yu was already in the first class and went to the sky…

Five hours later.

Lu Yu successfully arrived in Jinlong City.

assembly point, located in the suburban gymnasium.

Inside are all kinds of high-tech equipment, some soldiers in camouflage uniforms are busy at their posts.

"Recruit Lu Yu, come and report!"

Lu Yu didn't know God, but the ghost broke in without knowing it.

Salute to Fan Tianlei with a bewildered look!

"You… how did you come?"

Fan Tianlei was dumbfounded.

Looking at the figure that popped up in front of me, it was a terrible time.

I dont know how wonderful the expression is!

According to his estimation, it will take at least three days for the selected recruits to arrive.

And Lu Yu not only arrived, but also more than two days earlier!

For recruits without professional training, under the police blockade, trying to break through is no different than reaching the sky.

"Flying by plane."

Lu Yu's face was bright, and he shook his ticket: "First class, comfortable!"

"Where do you have the money to fly by plane?" Fan Tianlei asked subconsciously.

"Borrowed from your subordinates."

Lu Yu grinned: "The three of your men are really alive! Knowing that I have no money, they took the initiative to give me a wallet… Hey, thank them for helping me!"

After speaking, return the wallet to Fan Tianlei.

The corners of his mouth twitched, Fan Tianlei shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"Good boy, I wanted to make you more difficult, but I didn't expect it, but I underestimated you!"

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