Chapter 74: Female Soldier In The Wilderness

Lu Yu smiled.

Saying that, it means letting go?

"Hey, you won't know until after playing!"

The arrogant soldier will lose. Lu Yu is very confident, but he will not make such a low-level mistake.

Fan Tianlei was taken aback, then smiled: "Okay, I appreciate your confidence! If I were a scorpion, I would definitely do everything possible to get you into the group."

He stood up and looked around the new recruits: "What about you? Do you dare to hunt this **** mercenary?"


He Chenguang was the first to take the lead to stand up, his eyes full of killing intent.

Seeing He Chenguang's murderous eyes, Fan Tianlei suddenly realized, it seems that this child has known it a long time ago!

Lu Yu took the initiative to invite him to fight, also to help him fulfill his wish?

"This operation is under the full command of Lu Yu! I will ask the police to provide you with the equipment and weapons needed for combat."

Fan Tianlei said with a serious face, and said solemnly: "When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins! Only after experiencing the baptism of battlefield and artillery can red blood cells really grow! I am waiting for your triumphant victory to bring the scorpion head back."

"Comrades, tell the world with iron and blood operations that anyone who violates our Dragon Kingdom will be punishable even if it is far away!"

"Those who violate my Dragon Kingdom will be punishable even if they are far away!"

The soldiers roared and answered.

Due to time constraints, it was too late to deploy a battle plan.

Fan Tianlei was temporarily divided into two groups, one group was led by him, assisted by Chen Shanming and Miao Lang.

The other group is a rookie army composed of rookies.

The players include He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu, Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei.

Captain, it is Lu Yu!

With Lu Yu's ability, he was competent for the post of team leader, and he did his part.

Fan Tianlei believes that under his leadership, he can definitely bring everyone back alive.

"This is the real battlefield. There may be bloodshed or sacrifices. Are you ready?"

"ready anytime!"

Everyone roared.

"Okay. Next, we will be divided into two groups. According to the information intercepted by the police, Scorpion is very cunning and created two escape routes." Fan Tianlei said Shen Xiao, "Chen Shanming, Miao Lang, follow me from the road! Lu Yu , You take people into the mountain to chase. Remember, leave them all, and dont let any one go."


five minutes later.

Weapons provided by the police were transported.

The rookies took their own weapons and equipped them all over their bodies.

"Lu Yu!

Before leaving, Fan Tianlei stopped Lu Yu.

"Chief of Staff, what else?"

Lips buzzed twice, his voice was slightly low:

"They…I will leave it to you! Remember, you must come back safely."

"Don't worry! If one person is missing, you can ask me."

Lu Yu smiled confidently, and led the team members into the forest.

"Golden eagles, is it really okay? They have just finished training. I am afraid that they will attack rashly…" Chen Shanming frowned.

"Yes, they are all recruits after all!" Miao Lang sighed.

"True fighters need to be tempered on the battlefield, they will have this day sooner or later!"

Fan Tianlei's face was faint: "Born in an age of peace, a war is a rare opportunity for soldiers to baptize, isn't it?"

Maybe, that's right!

The two looked at each other, and they stopped talking.


Looking into the depths of the jungle, Fan Tianlei's eyes were deep:

"During the exercise, Lu Yu took over the entire headquarters alone. His ability is obvious to all! And after so long training, I…trust him!"

deep in the vast mountains.

Four mercenaries wearing camouflage uniforms are rushing and fleeing, it is the Scorpion group!

This time, Scorpion led a total of two teams, one team was responsible for the action, and the other was responsible for the response.

According to the original plan, after the hostages were rescued, Scorpion would take people away from the mountain.

responds to the team and is responsible for attracting firepower.

As a result, with the appearance of Lu Yu, all the plans have been ruined!

After leaving six corpses, Scorpion successfully escaped from the forest and went to join the reception team.

The soldiers were divided into two groups and evacuated as originally planned!

Want to escape, it is as difficult as reaching the sky, even Scorpion himself is not sure whether he can really escape.


The scorpion running suddenly, stopped.

The three people behind him were immediately alert to the surroundings!

From the front, a black mercenary dressed in auspicious clothes rushed forward, disguised all over, like a group of moving grass.

"Boss, there is a base ahead, are we really going to go through?" The black mercenary is an outpost sent by Scorpion to investigate.

The other three people also looked at Scorpion.

No one is stupid enough to run to the base!

What is the difference between this and self-investment?

But Scorpion smiled slightly, and his eyes flashed with wisdom: "Long Kingdom has an old saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place! If you want to die and live, you must take a gamble."

"They must have never thought that instead of escaping, we went back here.

Scorpion stretched his hand and pointed forward: "Passing this area is the closest way to leave here! So if you want to survive, you have no choice."

"Boss, do what you say, we will all follow you!"

a mercenary shouted.

"Okay, follow me!"

In a bushy jungle, on a rugged mountain road, a pickup truck stopped by the road.


The car was obviously stalled at this time and could not move.

In the car, there are two young and beautiful big beauties sitting in a military green outfit ~~, which makes people feel heroic and bright.

"When will your troops come back? Now, even the car is broken. We really have to wait here to break the ground. Do you know where this is?"

Looking at the stalled car, Tang Xinyi looked helpless.

An Ran, sitting in the co-pilot, stroked his forehead: "My comrade chief, I said I was waiting at the base, and you are going to come over! Our troops are going out for training. How can I know the specific time? This is all right. , The car broke down, only waiting."

"Hey, can't you contact me? When will this be waiting?"

Tang Xinyi was a little anxious: "You asked me to come, but in the end I asked me to find someone on my own. That works!"

An Ran bitterly said: "Director Xiao Tang, you clearly said that you will come tomorrow, and suddenly ran over one day earlier. How can you blame us? The troops also need to be trained, so you shouldn't wait in the base?"

"According to you, is it my fault?"

Tang Xinyi akimbo, pretending to be angry.

An Ran smiled and waved his hand: "No, no, no, you are the chief, how could it be your fault? It's all my fault. Okay, I didn't stop you in time and took the road off the track. It's all my fault…"

Tang Xinyi chuckled: "Well, I don't blame you, it's getting dark now. If the car is not repaired properly and no one can be found, we can only spend the night in the mountains!"

The two got out of the car and wandered around, and found nothing.

There is no one person in the wilderness, and I dont know if there are wolves in the evening!

To be safe, they turned back to where they were.


Suddenly, there was a sound of rapid footsteps from a distance.

The grass is shaking!

A few soldiers in camouflage uniforms rushed out of the forest and rushed towards this side…