Chapter 79: A Man Who Can Control Wolves

Through the information in his mind, Lu Yu learned that this ability to perceive everything is similar to a kind of telepathic wave.

can communicate and communicate with animals at close range, and can also radiate perception and summon from a distance.

Especially, when you encounter some large brutal creatures, just touch the opponent with your hand to hypnotize and tame them, and drive the beasts!

"Brother Yu, what is this for?"

"I don't know, is it possible that I am tired from reading and want to sleep for a while and rest?"

After seeing Lu Yu read the book, he closed his eyes again.

Everyone was puzzled.

An Ran just wanted to taunt a few words, and then pretended to be a fool.

Suddenly, from behind Lu Yu, a furry head appeared.

Those green and cold eyes stared straight at her.

was so scared that An Ran stepped back several steps with a ah, and exclaimed: "There are… there are wolves!"

what? There are wolves?

The members of the red blood cell became nervous immediately and looked around:

"Where? Where are the wolves?"

Lu Yu opened his eyes and stood up.

"Don't be afraid, this is what I finally invited. It's up to them to get rid of booby traps!"

The voice fell off.


From the bushes behind, countless wild wolves jumped out one after another.

It is estimated that there are as many as a dozen or twenty!

One by one with their mouths open and their tongues sticking out, the fierce and wild beast's air made everyone feel shocked.

An Ran was so scared that he hid behind Tang Xinyi, only poked out one head, and said, "Wolves! It's all wolves, scared to death!"

Tang Xinyi was shocked, and she was a little scared in her heart.

After all, they are all women!

Even female soldiers would instinctively feel scared when they encounter creatures like wolves.

But her pride does not allow to shrink back!

didn't want to lose face in front of Lu Yu.

took up the courage and asked: "These wolves are all summoned by you, how did you do it?"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently: "Sorry! This is my ancestral method of taming beasts, so I have no comment."

Li Erniu has a proud expression that I know: "How? I told you earlier that Brother Yu is omnipotent, now you know?"

Tang Xinyi's gaze at Lu Yu was extremely shocked.

Even wolves can be summoned at will, how powerful and terrifying is this man?

There was another touch of appreciation in her eyes.

Lu Yu's figure is getting bigger and bigger and mysterious!

"Brother Yu, you have summoned these wolves, how do you use them?" He Chenguang swallowed his saliva.

was stared at by dozens of pairs of green pupils, even his heart was terrified.

Except for Lu Yu, these wolves are not very friendly to them, sobbing and growling in their mouths, and grinning, as if they would rush to bite at any time.

"Look at me."

Lu Yu calmly walked towards a wolf, and at the same time, stretched out a hand to touch the top of its head.

This wolf is the largest in the pack!

is the wolf king!

Regarding Lu Yu's move, it did not refuse, leaving its hands on the wolf's head.

Everyone's eyes almost fell to the ground.

"I'll give you a rub! The wolf is the proudest animal, and the least easily tamed. He wants Brother Yu to put his hand on its head? Isn't this a dog?!"

Wang Yanbing exclaimed.

Lu Yu ignored the people and used the mental communication of the perception of all things to give orders to the Wolf King.

"Lead them, help me get rid of the booby traps on the ground, and find that group of mercenaries, I will follow you, don't let them run away!"

Release your hand after speaking.

The wolf king whimpered and nodded towards Lu Yu.

turned around and screamed at the wolves, jumping out abruptly.


The wolves seemed to have received orders, and they ran away in a group, disappearing into the depths of the jungle in an instant.

"This… is this over?"

An Ran's eyes widened in disbelief.

"How do they help us find someone?"

The words are not finished.

In the forest in the distance, there was a loud noise!

A mine was detonated.

Boom boom boom…

Then, there was a series of explosions.

Lu Yu smiled: "Have you heard? They are the best deminers… Let's go, let's follow!"

The red blood cell team members responded loudly and attacked quickly.

An Ran was stunned, and then asked: "Is this guy still a normal person?"

Tang Xinyi took a deep breath: "He is more like a wolf king!"

Even wolves can drive, come and go as soon as they call, Lu Yu's ability has opened their eyes.

"Go, follow up."

The two overtook the team, and followed Lu Yu and his group to the explosion site.

The ground in front of her eyes was scorched and very messy.

There is also a big tree that hugs the waist and is directly blown up by the power of the explosion, which is frightening!

Everyone can't help but feel fortunate. Fortunately, they didn't set foot here. Otherwise, under this blasting power, is it possible to survive?

"My God! What a wolf can do… this?"

An Ran opened his mouth, unbelievable.

"It's not a wolf, but you can't do it?"

Lu Yu threw a contemptuous look.

"Huh? I'll just ask, can't you?"

An Ran flattened her mouth.

He Chenguang explained: "Wolves run at full speed, several times faster than our humans, so they can quickly pass through after the booby mines are discovered! When the booby mines explode, the wolf has reached a safe area!"

"One more thing, these booby mines are arranged for infantry. The wolf is low in stature, and even if it encounters an explosion, it is impossible to hurt them."

"It turned out to be like this."

An Ran and Tang Xinyi suddenly.

They originally thought that Lu Yu summoned the wolves to lead the way, but they did not expect to be able to clear mines!

The wolves growing in the wild are completely different from military dogs.

Not only are they faster, they are also more flexible and mobile.

is perfect for mine clearance.

is better than professional mine clearance machines.

After understanding these ~~ Tang Xinyi looked at Lu Yu's eyes and became more and more admired.

After exploring the ground, Lu Yu looked into the distance: "The Scorpion probably didn't expect it in a dream. The booby thunder they worked so hard to plant is just a display…"

At this time, there was a bang in the distance.

There is an explosion again!

Without Lu Yu's greeting, everyone rushed in that direction.

In the jungle on the other side.

Scorpion and the remaining three companions are running fast.

Boom boom.

Hearing continuous explosions behind him, they got closer and closer.

Several people stopped their bodies, their faces were solemn!

"Boss, it doesn't feel right? How is this like mine clearance, and the speed is too fast." A mercenary asked nervously.

"Yes! At this speed, how many soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom will be killed?" Another black mercenary said.

Scorpion frowned, uncertain about the specific situation behind.

The explosion sounded too densely!

Explain that the group of Dragon Kingdom soldiers is biting them.

According to the dynamic range of this explosion, let alone the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, even the iron man has to be blown into pieces.

How could the people chasing behind, still biting so tightly, but getting closer and closer?

It's obviously unreasonable…


abruptly, a wolf cry came.

The mercenaries followed the prestige, and saw a wolf shadow flashing on the top of the mountain not far away, quickly disappearing.


Scorpion's heart beats.

gave birth to a strong anxiety!

On the way, he saw the wolf shadow more than once, it was no accident.

"Not good! We may have been exposed."

Scorpion drank in a low voice.

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