Chapter 83: Loyalty Test

Southeast Military Region.

Wolfya Special Brigade, the office of Brigadier He Zhijun.

Wen Guoqiang, commander-in-chief of the Ministry of Public Security, was all smiles. He was holding a cup of tea to He Zhijun, replacing wine with tea. The two were having a drink.

"Old Ho, after all, we haven't seen each other for several years."

Wen Guoqiang secretly sighed: "Since you were promoted to the brigade commander of the special operations brigade, this is the first time I have come to see you. It's the old brother that is not right. I am here to make you wrong."

He Zhijun met him with a toast and smiled indifferently: "Your public security headquarters stayed so comfortable, and thought you had forgotten my old brother a long time ago! Let's talk about it, don't go to the Palace of Three Treasures, why are you looking for me? ?"

"Hey, Lao He, you still know me best."

Wen Guoqiang smiled and shook his head: "I know I can't hide it from you…"

He Zhijuns face is full of reminiscences: "I think we were both troops who entered together, and we entered the new barracks together!"

"Thirty years have passed in the blink of an eye… It's really unforgiving years. At the beginning, two silly recruits, but now they have mixed up into one character. The vicissitudes of life are different.

sighed, sipped the tea in the cup: "At the beginning, if the old chief didn't give up on us, we would have left the army early, and we wouldn't have everything today!"

Wen Guoqiang nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's talk about business, I will see the chief later!"

Wen Guoqiang took out a bank check from his briefcase and handed it to He Zhijun.

"Old Wen, what are you doing? Want to bribe me?"

He Zhijun stared.

"Do not misunderstand!"

Wen Guoqiang smiled: "Yesterday, didn't your subordinates help me eliminate the group of inbound mercenaries? In addition to the first-class merit medal I reported to my superiors, I also rewarded him with a one million bonus, all in this check. in."

He Zhijun was taken aback: "Your police have always been stingy. Why are they so generous this time? It's not like your style."

Wen Guoqiang shook his head: "Stingy is to be self-sufficient, not extravagant and thrifty in accordance with the country's compliance! But for the heroes of the country and the people, we should still reward the heroes. Without them, our police would lose too much!"

"At this point, you are on the point, that soldier named Lu Yu is a good seed."

He Zhijun smiled: "Okay, let's put the things, I will accept it for him."

After finishing speaking, seeing Wen Guoqiang still sitting here, He Zhijun was taken aback: "Why are you still not leaving?"

Wen Guoqiang moved his **** and smiled.

there is no answer!

"Look at you." He Zhijun was out of anger and rolled his eyes: "If you have a fart, let it go. It's been 30 years and I haven't gotten rid of this stinking problem."

Wen Guoqiang's face gradually became serious: "That's it. Recently, we have found a group of transnational drug dealer organizations in the Golden Triangle. The police have arranged eyeliners there and followed them closely!"

"It's just that this group of drug trafficking organizations is powerful, and this kind of overseas operations is not the strong point of the police, so I want to give your military a reply…"


He Zhijun nodded: "The police are responsible for pursuing drug dealers. It is not easy for our military to intervene too much. If you really can't solve it, I will report to the above. You go back and wait."

Wen Guoqiang smiled: "Old He, then please, if we can solve it by the police, we will definitely not bother the military!"

after an hour.

He Zhijun made the report and went to the office of Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei, commander of the corps.

After knocked on the door, Gao Shiwei's voice came from inside: "Please come in!"

He Zhijun walked in with the report.

reported to Gao Shiwei, the current training progress of the red blood cells.

"Have you hit the foreign mercenaries? I didn't expect these recruits to be so capable!"

After listening to He Zhijun's detailed description, Gao Shiwei came to be interested.

"Can they still travel alone?"

"Single-soldier combat, surely no problem, their current capabilities are not inferior to the first-class special forces! Especially Lu Yu, always unexpected."

He Zhijun smiled slightly: "However, they are still short of the last test, loyal!"

Gao Shiwei motioned for him to continue.

"Loyalty, for every qualified soldier, should be carved into their bones!"

He Zhijun said: "The special forces, as a sharp blade inserted into the enemy's chest, face a more severe combat environment. Once they are disloyal, they will cause great harm to the troops."

"How do you test their loyalty?" Gao Shiwei asked.

"I will let them rest for a few days, and when the rookies relax their vigilance and become inertia, they will make a surprise assessment."

"Okay, I also want to see if the red blood cells produced by your spikes can really make the enemy cancerous like a virus?" Gao Shiwei was full of expectations.

"Yes, I will never disappoint the leader's expectations!"

He Zhijun shouted.

After returning to Langya, the six of Lu Yu rested for a whole day.

I dont have to do anything, I wake up naturally when I sleep, eat enough to eat, and I add a few more meat dishes.

This is nothing for ordinary people, but for highly trained special forces, it is no different from **** to heaven!

On the next day, Fan Tianlei brought news.

The two teachers who gave everyone a cultural class will arrive here in the afternoon. Moreover, they are rare female teachers in the military camp. Let them look forward to it.

in the afternoon.

The sun is shining and the weather is fine.

Two wandering white clouds floated on the sky ~~.

The members of the red blood cell, sitting on the training ground with a small bench together, were talking about it.

"Guess who the two female teachers will be?" Song Kaifei asked first.

"As long as they are better than those two last time."

Wang Yanbing rubbed his hands and smiled mischievously: "I haven't seen a female cadre for a long time, don't be a tigress again! I only like the gentle and pleasant type, and I don't accept explanation.

Song Kaifei had the same smell with him: "Hey, Yanbing, we have the same hobbies! Female cadres need to look for gentle ones. When they talk, tsk tsk, even the bones will be crisp!"

Li Erniu came over: "Are there any beautiful ones?"

"Go away, come to join in the fun with a family?"

"Tell your family Cuifen carefully!"

Everyone collectively threw their contemptuous eyes.

There are too many monks and less meat, so you can still grab food from your bull? Must guard strictly!

Lu Yu was holding a book in his hand, squinting at these **** with extremely contemptuous eyes.

As for? It's as if I haven't seen a woman in eight lifetimes!

Can a woman have a good-looking book?

Lu Yu has a look!

Thinking, he secretly shook his head in disdain.

had no time to pay attention to these animals.

hurriedly turned a page, shocked…

He knew very well that Fan Tianlei wouldn't have such a good mind at all. What kind of study should he do without training? This is what the old fox can do?

Needless to say, there must be a conspiracy!

Although I dont know what the conspiracy is.

But Lu Yu had to make perfect preparations.

With a book in his hand, he can keep calm!

Lu Yu, as always, read the book seriously, with relish.

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