Chapter 87: All Acting Masters

The evening course ends.

Tang Xinyi sat on the training ground alone, staring at the sunset in a daze.

She just wanted Lu Yu to be soft, and didn't want to really punish him, but this guy just took other team members to complete the punishment task.

I'm a girl, don't you want face?

This **** molested himself so much, it's damned!

Tang Xinyi clenched her fists, and finally came across someone who was right for her. She also had a good impression of him, but this dull gourd had no herself in her eyes.

only interested in reading, really a nerd.

"what happened to you?"

At this time, An Ran came to her and sat down.

Tang Xinyi quickly turned her head away, wiped away the tears from her eyes, and shook her head: "It's okay!"

The two are good friends in the military.

An Ran knew exactly what Tang Xinyi was thinking.

"You said it's okay, can you fool others, can you fool me?"

An Ran said, "Is it because of Lu Yu?"

was poked at the center, Tang Xinyi was silent.

"Haha, alright, everyone can see that you are deliberately punishing him, you obviously like it in your heart, why don't you express it?" An Ran smiled.

Tang Xinyi was at a loss: "How do I express it? He… doesn't accept my love at all."

An Ran cleared his throat, and said in a serious tone: "Comrade Xiao Tang, it's not me who said you, what you did, let alone him, even I can't stand it."

Tang Xinyi looked at An Ran in surprise: "You…"

An Ran continued: "As long as it is not masochistic, everyone will stay away from you, and Lu Yu is no exception."

Tang Xinyi is stuck in words: "I…"

She has never experienced feelings before. In this respect, she is like a blank sheet of paper. She asks for advice and looks at An Ran: "Then you say, me, what should I do?"

"I have never experienced feelings, I don't know what to do with this kind of thing…"

An Ran stuck out his tongue: "However, emotional matters are barely possible. Right now, there is a good opportunity to give it a try!"


"I heard that in three days, there will be a test action. Both you and I will participate in it. Then, you can try him!"

Test action?

How did I not hear it being said?

Tang Xinyi looked dazed, but faintly expecting.


Three days later, the assembled trumpets resounded in the square of the red blood cell training camp.

At this time, it was less than four in the morning.

The rookies got up, dressed as fast as possible, and rushed to the camp to gather.

Fan Tianlei, Chen Shanming and a group of veterans including Spikes are already serious and ready to go!

The entire training ground is filled with a killing atmosphere.

"Get in the car, there is an urgent task!"

Seeing that the rookies had assembled, Fan Tianlei said briefly and waved to let them get in the car.

Everyone has already formed a habit.

Without a word of nonsense, he rushed to the military vehicle nearby.

The entire process took less than ten seconds, and the military vehicle roared into the darkness like a sharp arrow.

This is the mobilization ability of red blood cells! Fast, fast, and effective at high speed!

Twenty minutes, the military vehicle drove the rookies into a temporary base.

"Fan Tianlei, what did you do? Who asked you to bring this recruit over?"

It was He Zhijun, commander of the Special Operations Brigade who greeted the team: "What I want is a veteran who can go to the battlefield, has experience, and has won the battle, hurry up and send them back!"

Fan Tianlei shouted: "Report to comrade brigade commander that the brigade is currently short of manpower and only they can fight. It is too late to recall other troops."

"You know, this battle is very important, can they do it?"

He Zhijun asked in a deep voice.

"Please rest assured, the brigade commander, all my soldiers can go to the battlefield, they are my best trained men!"

"Okay, let them go."

He Zhijun nodded: "Something went wrong, be careful I withdraw your post!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

Fan Tianlei stood at attention, shouting!

Listening to the conversation between the two, a group of rookies beat the drums in their hearts, going up and down, nervously ready.

What task is so important that makes the two big brothers so cautious?

Only Lu Yu sneered.

I feel like a mirror inside!

"Play! Then play… Hey, all tm are acting masters."

said that there is no training mission, so it turns out that they have left behind here. This is their final assessment, right?

In the original special forces plot, everyone must pass the final test of loyalty before they can officially become a qualified red blood cell member.

Originally, Lu Yu thought he had come and deleted this link ahead of time!

I didn't expect to dig a hole and wait for them here.

Fan Tianlei, the old fox, is so kind, letting them rest for a whole week.

After such a long time of relaxation, the body and spirit are loosened, muscles are relaxed, and it is generally difficult to have this period of adaptation when encountering emergency tasks.

However, Lu Yu was not prepared to remind.

The loyalty test is something that every special soldier must go through.

As the sharp blade of the country, the first thing to do is to be loyal to the motherland and people!

Otherwise, if you betray in the future, the gunshot will be the former brother.

"Comrades, the people you are dealing with this time are more dangerous than the last time you chased foreign soldiers. They are cruel and have received the most stringent military training. Please also report that they have hired foreign mercenaries for protection!"

"For you, this is an extremely difficult test. If there is any possibility, I don't want to send you on the court…"

"But in extraordinary times, you can only do extraordinary things! Can you carry the honor of Spike, do you deserve my trust?"

The rookies yelled: "Yes! We can"

"Okay, I look forward to your triumphs. By then, you will be the true warriors of Spike."

After a mobilization meeting before the war, He Zhijun instructed Fan Tianlei to issue weapons to everyone.

"They, I leave it to you!" He Zhijun said in a low voice, "You lead the team yourself."


Two "reports" came from outside the headquarters ~~!

Tang Xinyi and An Ran broke in.

Fan Tianlei pretended to be surprised: "What are you doing here?"

"Report the brigade commander, the chief of staff, and Enron and I are now the instructors of the red blood cells and are part of the red blood cells. We should take part in the action!" Tang Xinyi said loudly.

"We have decided that we are willing to perform the task together!"

"Naughty!" He Zhijun frowned, "Do you know how dangerous this mission is?"

Tang Xinyi said sternly: "I and An Ran both came from special forces, and we are both veterans and we have more experience. Let us follow, the brigade commander should be more assured!"

"Yes!" An Ran straightened his chest: "We promise to complete the task."

He Zhijun seemed to be moved, bowed his head in thought.

Lu Yu twitched the corners of his mouth, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, embarrassing cancer is about to commit.

Didn't see it, these two women can act like this too?

The time to sing and reconcile, if not for his familiarity with the plot in advance, he would almost believe that they were not afraid of sacrifice.

"You don't want to be a soldier anymore, go to be an actor, and come back with an Oscar on behalf of the country, and sling small meat!"

Lu Yu secretly complained.

"Okay, I approve your action, but be careful, you must not miss a head, send me back safely."

After a difficult decision, He Zhijun made a final decision.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand to cover his face, his heart fibula.

If the two of them break their hair by themselves, who do you call the brigadier?

"set off!"

accompanied Fan Tianlei with a roar.

The members of the red blood cells boarded a helicopter and flew to the small border town hundreds of kilometers away in an inexplicable excitement.

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