Chapter 93: Gao Shiwei Summoned

Lu Yu trot all the way, arrived at the gate of the brigade, and found that He Zhijun was already waiting for him here.

"Zhongwei Lu Yu, come and report!"

Lu Yu stepped forward to salute.

"Go, follow me in the car!" He Zhijun pulled Lu Yu and boarded a jeep.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Lu Yu was puzzled: "Brigadier Commander, where are we going?"

"There is a big man who wants to see you." He Zhijun smiled slightly.

"Big man?"

Lu Yu was stunned, what big man wants to see himself?

He Zhijun didn't say much, he didn't ask much, he would know when it was time.

There are still some small expectations in my heart, I have entered the red blood cell as I wish, and I am one step closer to becoming a veritable king of soldiers!

At this time, a big man summoned him. Lu Yu felt that it was not a bad thing. It might have something to do with the movement made during the assessment.

Sure enough, when Lu Yu thought about it, He Zhijun spoke:

"Hehe, you kid, you can do it alone, so you can clean up Fan Tianlei and the others, and finally get into the hospital. It's ruthless!"

Lu Yu scratched his head, he was not sure what He Zhijun said. Was he testing him?

"Brigadier Commander, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. At that time, I really didn't know that the chief of staff was evaluating. In order to save my comrades, I had no choice…"

eh, I can only talk nonsense with my eyes open!

Because of the whole plan, it was just to rectify Fan Tianlei's detrimental move. Lu Yu planned carefully for a long time, how could it not be intentional?

Fan Tianlei pretended to be dead, he was too flat…

"Okay, don't blame yourself, you did the right thing!" He Zhijun said: "In actual combat, your behavior is to save your companion. Fan Tianlei chooses to be a gangster, so he should be prepared to bear the consequences of failure."

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Fan Tianlei's plan in Shenkeng had not been exposed.

Otherwise, he was worried that Fan Tianlei would jump directly from the hospital bed and chase him into the barracks to kill him!

"Lu Yu!"

Suddenly, He Zhijun's expression became solemn.


Lu Yu subconsciously shouted.

"From today, you will be the captain of the red blood cell. Can I trust this team to you?"

He Zhijun stared at him: "Can you…can you take good red blood cells?"

Lu Yu stunned!

But it was quickly realized that He Zhijun was going to grant him the command of red blood cells to act as the captain.

"Since your first exercise, I have been following and researching in depth."

He Zhijun smiled indifferently: "Your various military qualities and abilities can surprise any veteran. You are the same as you are, and you have leadership and command skills. Therefore, the position of captain is more suitable than Fan Tianlei. "

Lu Yu also had a solemn expression, and said loudly: "Leading red blood cells, this is an honorable duty. The brigade commander trusts me, of course it is my duty! But the chief of staff he…"

Red blood cells were created by Fan Tianlei and his efforts.

If this power were robbed from Fan Tianlei's hands, Lu Yu would not be able to sit securely as the captain.

"Don't worry about that, Fan Tianlei is still your direct leader, but you are the captain and he is the chief of staff. The two do not conflict!"

He Zhijun smiled and said: "Red blood cells are fresh blood, and you need a vigorous person to be the captain. This is what your chief of staff means."

"It turned out to be like this."

Lu Yu nodded relievedly: "This captain, I will do my part."

"Okay, don't let down the red blood cells!" He Zhijun stretched out his hand: "Hello, comrade captain!"

"Hello, comrade brigade commander!" Lu Yu also stretched out his hand.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The appointment of the captain of the red blood cell has no ceremony, just in such a car, it is simple to decide.

Twenty minutes later.

The military jeep drove into the military command.

The headquarters belongs to the corps office area. The entire Southeast Military Region, the highest-level military organization, is stationed here.

Lu Yu's eyes flashed brightly, thinking of the big man He Zhijun was talking about, and he immediately understood who it was!

The vehicle pulled over and stopped. He Zhijun didn't talk nonsense, and directly led Lu Yu through the heavy security checks and boarded the elevator.

"Why, know who wants to see you?"

Seeing Lu Yu's expression, He Zhijun knew that this kid had guessed it and joked.

"I know."

Lu Yu took a deep breath.

Its just that I didnt expect this big man to take the initiative to see himself? It's really surprising.

Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei!

Last time at the Mid-Autumn Festival Art Performance, Lu Yu had a fate.

Later, he performed target shooting in front of Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei and won the praise and applause of Gao Shiwei.

Why did Gao Shiwei see himself this time?

Lu Yu couldn't help asking: "Brigadier, what did the chief ask me for?"

He Zhijun shook his head: "I don't know, but the chief personally ordered it down. There must be something important to talk to you."

The two came to the headquarters office.

The guard in front of the door naturally knew He Zhijun, saluted, turned around and reported.

"Come in, don't stand outside."

After a while, Gao Shiwei's loud voice came from the office.

"Comrade Chief, He Zhijun, Spike Special Forces Brigade, report to you."

He Zhijun brought Lu Yu into the door~~ and shouted a report.

Lu Yu stood straight, with his head held high: "Good leader, Lu Yu, captain of the RBC Special Operations Team, report to you."

"Oh, are you the captain? Not bad!"

Gao Shiwei turned his eyes to Lu Yu, smiled on his face, and nodded kindly.

From Gao Shiwei's body, Lu Yu clearly felt the indomitable domineering and majesty!

This old chief is an old soldier who has personally visited the battlefield, and is also a representative of the hawks. He has a tough style and iron and blood on his wrists.

No wonder the aura on the body is so compelling!

If an ordinary person stands in front of him, he will definitely be scared by the strong aura.

"In this loyalty test, you killed all Fan Tianlei and the others?" Gao Shiwei asked with a smile.

"The report, I did not kill Chief of Staff Fan, I killed terrorists like Octopus and rescued my teammates."

While speaking, Lu Yu added: "Before the mission action, Chief of Staff Fan had already sacrificed!"

Gao Shiwei was stunned, and laughed, "You kid, really smart enough? Yes, this is the attitude that we soldiers should have."

patted Lu Yu on the shoulder, and Gao Shiwei returned to his desk.

He Zhijun quietly gave Lu Yu a thumbs up.

Obviously, very satisfied with his performance!

It's not someone who faces the head of the legion, and still keeps so calm.

Gao Shiwei didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Lu Yu, do you know why I called you?"

"Report, I don't know!"

Lu Yu replied: "As a soldier, it is our bounden duty to obey orders, and everything will follow the orders."

"Okay, I like this sentence!"

Gao Shiwei laughed: "I called you today, there are two things! Let me talk about the first one, which is absolutely good."

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