Chapter 100: Can’t Let The Soldiers Cry In Heaven

Wen Yin was shocked by Lu Yu's words.

Yes, in the eyes of most people, being a soldier seems to be equated with a pauper!

can be a soldier, why must he be poor?

They are not afraid of death or sacrifice. They have dedicated themselves to the country and ensured the safety of peoples property. Why cant they get the rewards they deserve?

Everyone knows that stars come quickly.

But who else? I really cared about this group of unknown soldiers who are going forward with a heavy burden for the country!

Celebrities have money, so they say that they are made by their ability. When soldiers are born and die, they receive national rewards, but they will be questioned?

Wen Yin clenched the check in her hand and smiled bitterly.

If I care about myself, I am confused!

"Koba, anyway, I can't ask for this money!"

Wen Yin shook his head: "It's not easy for you to be in the army. I am happy for you to win the military service, but the money must be taken back."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Sister Xiaoyin, Brother Wang is in a hurry. It is not easy to leave you orphans and widows, but I know that he must hope you will live happily! I have been taken care of by you for so many years, and now I should be replaced. Take care of you, we are one family, don't talk about two families."

"That won't work either! You were born and died in the army. This is money in exchange for your life. How can you ask for it?"

said, Wen Yin returned the check.

Lu Yu helplessly: "The troops take care of everything, and I also have allowances. The money is not available."

"Why can't I use it?"

Wenyin stared at him: "You are not married, how can you not save some money? How can you marry a girl in the future without a house or a car? You have to spend money to have children! You are not in charge and you have to save money!"

"Hmm! Save it, I will save it later!"

"I want to save now and take the money back."

"Sister Xiaoyin, let me tell you the truth, I still have a part of this bonus! I gave out the half-million to Doudou. If you don't want it, you have to ask Doudou if you agree."

Doudou, Wen Yin's son, is three years old this year.

Doudou was born in the year Wang Bibao died, but unfortunately, he never saw his son until he died!


Wen Yin was interrupted by Lu Yu before he could speak.

"Hey, Sister Xiaoyin, I still want to recognize Doudou as a dry son. This is the money I gave Doudou to marry a wife after he grows up. You are not allowed to return it."

Lu Yu gave the check to Wen Yin with a pop.

"Okay, I'm going to see Doudou, I wonder if the little guy recognizes me?"

Throwing a word, Lu Yu quickly ran into the nursery.

"Hey, you…"

Wen Yin helpless.

She knows Lu Yu's character, since it was decided, the eight cows can't be pulled back!

It's useless to persuade you.

entered the room, Wang Bibao's mother was taking care of Doudou.

Lu Yu said hello to the old man, and the two exchanged greetings again. Lu Yu asked, "Did Doudou fell asleep?"

"I'm tired from playing, I'm falling asleep!"

Lu Yu walked forward slowly.

On the small bed, Doudou closed her eyes, sleeping soundly.

Compared with a few months ago, the child has grown a little bit older and fatter, and the eyebrows are more and more like Wang Bibao, almost carved out of a mold.

Afraid of waking the child, Lu Yu looked at it quietly for a while before leaving the room.

Aunt Wang also followed, her voice kind and kind:

"Kohan, finally come back, I'm not allowed to leave tonight. I stayed for dinner together, and I have that room for you."

"Yeah." Lu Yu nodded.

I am a little touched!

How can one's own deeds, let this family treat them like this? Gave him the warmth of a loved one.

"The army's food is not good, right? Aunty will make you her favorite braised pork, you go to the living room and sit down!"

"Thank you madam."

Aunt Wang called Wen Yin to the kitchen.

When passing by Lu Yu, Wen Yin said in a low voice, "Sister should save this money for you temporarily, and then take it away when you need it in the future!"

Lu Yu returned to the living room and sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Looking at the busy figure in the kitchen, smelling the scent of rice, the corner of his mouth raised a warm smile unconsciously.


Its been a long time to relax!

The days in the army are intense and boring training every day, repeated day after day.

Lu Yu felt that his nerves were almost paralyzed.

That tight string will break sometime!

Its a rare experience. Its so relaxing and getting along with my family makes me feel at ease.

In his heart, Sister Xiaoyins family is his family!

Lu Yu was sighing.

In the kitchen, aunt Wangs exclamation suddenly came

"Boy fucking, what's wrong with you!"


Lu Yu frowned and turned to look over.

I saw Wen Yin, who was washing the vegetables, her body twitched without any reason, her face was completely pale with blood.

stretched out his hand to squeeze his chest, his expression became very painful, as if he was suffering from great pain.

Like a heart attack!


Lu Yu's heart jumped.

jumped up from the sofa, rushed into the kitchen quickly, and held Wen Yin's shaky body.

Earlier, he discovered that Wen Yin's face was not right. He thought it was exhausting from work and did not rest well.

can take a closer look, the latter's face is covered with a layer of cold sweat, his eyes are closed, and the symptoms are like myocardial infarction!

"Not good! Must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible."

Lu Yu said solemnly.

Miss Wang was out of ideas when she heard it.

Tears appeared in his eyes, anxious like ants on a hot pot:

"This, what can I do? Xiaoyin, don't scare me! Doudou has no father, so I can't live without you."

Lu Yu squatted down and lifted Wen Yin on his back: "Mother, don't worry, I'll take Sister Xiaoyin to the hospital! Take care of Doudou, it's okay."

Talking, Lu Yu rushed out of the room.

rushed to the intersection~~ and stopped a taxi!

"Master, where is the nearest hospital? Take me there quickly."

Lu Yu shouted.

stuffed Wenyin into the taxi and sat in by himself.

Wen Yin's state is very unstable, acute myocardial infarction must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise it will endanger life.

"Sit down!"

The driver can't talk nonsense.

Gear up, step on the accelerator!

The taxi rushed out around Duan quickly.

"Boy, the nearest is the Municipal People's Hospital, but it's the rush hour and there may be traffic jams!"

Lu Yu frowned, "Can you get around this paragraph? I'm afraid it will be unfavorable to the patient if it drags on for a long time."

"Now, every section is similar."

The driver's master glanced at Wen Yin's face: "Boy, what happened to your wife?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "She is my sister! The widow of a martyr, she seems to have an acute myocardial infarction…Master, you should hurry forward, if there is a traffic jam, I will run with her behind!"

"Sister Xiaoyin, bear with me, cheer up! Doudou has just turned three years old, so I can't live without you."

But Wen Yin can't listen to Lu Yu anymore.

There is no response.

Hearing that Wen Yin was the widow of a martyr and his son was only three years old, the driver's face immediately changed.

Take a deep breath, he solemnly said: "Comrade, you help the patient, I will speed up to drive over! Don't worry, make sure to get to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Soldiers, they are bleeding outside, and we folks in the market, we must also contribute our own strength, not let him cry in heaven."


Taxi, speeding up suddenly.

Like a sharp sword shot out!

The vehicles on both sides were left far behind…

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