Chapter 106: The Exchange Competition Begins 5

"Comrades, in the next military exchange competition, I have only one requirement for you. I can only win but not lose! Can it be done?"

In the lounge, Lieutenant Admiral Gao Shiwei looked around Lu Yu and the others in front of him, and his voice was powerful.


Everyone answered with confidence.

"I know that the requirements for you may be stricter, and there will be a tough battle next."

Gao Shiwei's voice slammed a few degrees higher: "But this time, the South Bangguo has organized the media to broadcast the entire military contest to the whole world!"


Lu Yu and the others were also surprised.

They thought that South Bangguo might play tricks and would not let them win so easily, but they didn't expect this group of sticks to have such self-confidence!

Actually it will take the form of live broadcast matches. To what extent is it necessary to be arrogant? ?

No wonder this group of sticks dared to claim that the entire universe belongs to them. It really is shameless and invincible!

"It can be seen that if they dare to do this, they must have the certainty of winning, and even make full preparations, thinking that they will win!"

Gao Shiwei's face was slightly solemn, and he said solemnly: "So, we have no choice but to fight to the end, even with the last bit of effort, we must defend the glory of the motherland! Understand?"


"Back then, our martyrs fought an extremely difficult turn-over battle on this land!"

Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei's voice was slightly low: "At that time, everyone thought we were determined to lose, but in the end, we won the war."

Everyone's expression became solemn.

At the beginning, in the war that shook the world, the Dragon Kingdom defeated the Western invaders with aircrafts and cannons with a **** force beyond imagination and a rifle in his hand when the national strength lags behind all countries in the world.

And the coalition forces that set foot on this territory were completely driven out of the eastern coast, and also shattered the myth that the Western colonial army relied on a few cannons to dominate the world and was invincible.

the first time!

The invincible rice army took the initiative to sign the armistice treaty, and has a deep taste of defeat.

To this end, the dragon people paid a huge sacrifice.

Due to backwardness and lack of new technology, he can only use flesh and blood to block other people's cannons. The remains of hundreds of thousands of ancestors are left on this land.

The remains of many soldiers were not brought back, so they were buried in a hurry.

And now, the dragon once again set foot on this territory!

The spirits of the ancestors in the sky will also watch them in the dark.

"Comrades, soldiers! In front of the heroic souls of our martyrs, they used to be able to beat enemies here! You say, can we lose?"


The crowd roared.

Red eyes and firm voice!

"Yes, we can't lose! We must win and win with integrity, so that our ancestors can rest in peace."

Gao Shiwei nodded solemnly.

"Next, let me divide into groups. There are three events in the competition, shooting, fighting and obstacle trail running."

"Each side has 5 people in the battle, and all of them are defeated! We want to win and we have to win at least two games."


These three items are right!

With master-level shooting skills, Lu Yu is still extremely confident. In terms of fighting, he also read "The Legend of Bruce Lee" just now, and he was not afraid of getting Grandmaster Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do ultimate move.

If the stick dares to jump, teach them how to behave in minutes!

As for…

Obstacles, his physical strength is no problem.

But there should be a master in this team, others can't, he can play again.

At this time, Gao Shiwei began to sign up: "Lu Yu."


Lu Yu stepped forward and stood out.

"Wang Kun."


"Hu Sanbao!"


"Chen Feng!"


Next, Gao Shiwei reported the names of four people in turn. All these soldiers went out and stood up straight!

Except for Lu Yu, the other four were all elites selected from Gao Shiwei's guard company.

These people, placed in the entire Southeastern Military Region, are also top-notch soldiers of the first class.

"You five will fight on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom!"


The five people looked solemn and responded together.

Next, they changed into military uniforms, put on camouflage combat uniforms, and began to apply oil on their faces.

It is almost impossible to conceal one's identity in this kind of game. As long as the player makes a move, the opponent will remember the information.

But after all, if it is to be broadcast live, and the Dragon Kingdom may also broadcast it, some security measures are needed.

After changing the outfit quickly.

The five Lu Yu tore off their medals.

Put on the bright red flag armband and stick it!

From this moment on, they no longer have their real names, they represent the Dragon Kingdom!

Everything is ready.

The five people stood there, a sturdy air rushed toward them, and it was difficult to recognize the original face.

Looking at the soldier in front of him, Gao Shiwei finally smiled.

"This is the soldier of our Dragon Kingdom, I am waiting for you, triumphant victory, and congratulate everyone!"


The five stood upright and saluted.

"The activity will begin for ten minutes."


the other side.

The news about this military competition is almost overwhelming in Nanbang country!

All the media are rushing to report, whether it is on the Internet, on TV, or on major news pages, they are all vigorously providing explanations.

The entire Nanbang country fell into a boil.

The three things big competition, held in their country, this is a thing worthy of glory!

Still broadcast live. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

It shows that they have sufficient self-confidence, winning the final victory of this military competition, it can be said that they will win without losing!

All the sticks are narcissistic, falling into unreasonable excitement.

All kinds of slogans called heaven and earth are emerging in endlessly.

It seems that the whole world, only the stick dominates, punches the dragon country, steps on the United States, and transforms into a bump man to rush out of the universe!

For this reason, Bangzi's primary and secondary schools have suspended classes to organize students to watch.

Under the intentional rendering of Bangzi Media, the event fermented rapidly on the Internet.

Netizens from various countries, after learning the whole story, all landed in the stick country live broadcast room.

Three things are compared, this is a rare occasion!

Just as the network of Nanbang Country was about to be overwhelmed by the influx of netizens from various countries, the military competition finally kicked off.

Under the tens of millions of eyes that many people expect.

The tripartite personnel from Longguo, Nanbang Country and the United States entered the competition venue.

"Look, that's a dragon man!"

"It is said that the dragon man is mysterious, and I saw a real person today."

"Stand like a pine, walk like the wind! This description is true!"

The three figures appeared on the screen, attracting the attention of foreign netizens.

In this group of people, there are always some inappropriate voices.

For example, even the entire universe is their stick.

"Cut, what is the dragon man? Look at our soldiers from the South Bang country. You can smell a ferocious and ferocious air across the screen. This is the real soldier!"

"This competition, we are set to win!"

"Killing the Dragon Kingdom, trampling the United States to death, I am the only one who dominates."

These great netizens are full of self-confidence.

Shouting slogans, shouting wildly.

It seems like they have won. .


With much anticipation, the first round of competition begins!