Chapter 114: Did Not Learn The Essence

Pu Junjiu was stimulated by Lu Yu's words and went into a runaway state.

For an instant.

The two moved and rushed towards each other at the same time!


Lu Yu took off on the spot, swept out with the wind and thunder on his right foot.

Pu Junjiu also kicked with a high whip!

With a bang, the two legs collided fiercely in mid-air, like two iron rods intersecting each other.

Looking at the field, the two chose to attack with the same legwork, and everyone held their breath and stared at them.

Is it the old Taekwondo master Park Jun-gou that is better, or is the young and violent Lu Yu better?

"Guoshu, Tan legs!"

Gao Shiwei's eyes lit up, this kid really brought him an unexpected surprise.

It really is a treasure boy!

The two hit this.

No distinction.

After a slight pause, they didn't hesitate to land on their toes, touching like a dragonfly, and then quickly lifted up again, fiercely.

Bang bang bang…

again and again.

It seems that two people are not kicking, but hacking each other with steel pipes.

Faintly, the clash of flesh and blood made a steel-like clashing sound, which made people feel sore.

Everyone at the scene was stunned!

Is this a showdown between real masters?

The sharp legwork made the stick generals look dumbfounded.

As a taekwondo black band nine-belt master and the fighting chief instructor in the army, they know how powerful Park Jun's nine-legs is.

But Lu Yu's legs were stiff and he didn't let the wind fall in the slightest. They were really shocked!

Pu Junjiu became more frightened as he fought.

Lu Yu was so young that he could practice his legs to this level?

It took him most of his life, decades of hard work, and careful study to achieve such an achievement.

But how did Lu Yu reach this state? !

Lu Yu immediately caught the gap, his body jumped up, his right leg was raised above his head, almost forming a straight line with his body.

Twelve Way Tan Legs!


The right leg kicked into the sky, like a thunder on a sunny day, hitting the head and pressing horizontally towards Pu Junjiu.

not good.

There was a sudden warning in Park Junjiu's heart.

I have to say that his experience in battle is still very rich. As a master-level figure, within a thousandth of a second, he abruptly moved his body to the left for half a minute.

When he missed a hit, Lu Yu took a step, slammed his toes on the ground, twisted his waist, and rose into the air.

The whole body was floating in the air, and then, the single leg kicked out by rotating 360 degrees around the air, like a lotus leaf in the wind, but containing extremely explosive power.


This blow is real!

Kicked the arms of Park Jun's nine grids.

He snorted, under this violent force, he staggered back and forth, half kneeling on the ground.

Feeling that his hand is about to be broken, trembling tremblingly.


Seeing Pu Junjiu being repelled, the sticks exclaimed.

Lu Yu's legs are open and close, and they are stronger than Park Jun-jiu who has been on the battlefield, crushing many high-end legs of Taekwondo.

From the beginning, he pressed the opponent to fight.

Park Junjiu stared at Lu Yu blankly. As a master of Taekwondo, he was superb in his legs. He was injured by the young man from Long Country in front of him. He couldn't even think of it before.

In the stands, the general leader Bangzi's face sank into extremely gloomy.

The dignified Nanbang Country Grandmaster-level figure, Taekwondo Black Belt 9th Duan, unexpectedly lost to a Long Countryman who used his legs. It was Chi Guoguo who slapped them in the face.

The American general glanced over with his eyes, gloating on his face!

What to pull?

Can't you also beat it?

"It's a good move to Tan legs, it's fast, powerful, explosive, and good!" Gao Shiwei stood up excitedly with a'pop'.

This kid is not only superb marksmanship, he is also a master of martial arts, he even suspects that there is something Lu Yu can't.

One person on the battlefield can top a thousand troops!

As long as Lu Yu is there.

What are they afraid of?

Lu Yu retracted his feet and looked at Pu Junjiu lightly: "You are considered a genius in martial arts. Combine your clubs taekwondo and Dragons Tan legs to complement each other and create new attacking moves. Its a pity, you are against the Dragon Martial arts are only half-knowledge, and you are destined to not go too far! In addition, if your Tan legs were not learned secretly, they were deceived by someone and did not learn the essence!"


Pu Junjiu was shocked.

Look at Lu Yu in disbelief.

His biggest trump card is to combine Long Guo's Tan leg moves with Taekwondo. This is also the reason why he was promoted to Master of Taekwondo. How did Lu Yu see it?

In the stands, the Bangzi leader's face changed again.

What the **** is this Park Jun-jeou doing?

It's just a kick, so you won't lose your combat effectiveness, right? Why stand there stupidly and attack quickly!

Others also saw that something was wrong.

Shouldn't it be a showdown? Why are these two people standing together, still chatting? ?


Pu Junjiu's lips twitched, looking at Lu Yu uncertainly.

As if he knew what he wanted to say, Lu Yu nodded faintly: "Yes, I am not only proficient in twelve-way tan legs, but I also happen to be able to do taekwondo with your sticks!"

The system gave the title of the leader of a hundred schools of martial arts, not just for taekwondo, including karate, Muay Thai, free fighting, jiu-jitsu… Lu Yu also reached the proficient level.

Pu Junjiu stared at Lu Yu in shock, a complicated expression flashing in his eyes.

He didn't doubt the authenticity of Lu Yu's words. He was convinced that the opponent could kick him with the kick.

That move leaped into the air, and the exquisite legwork, at least at his level, could not be kicked out!

"Hurry up, let Pu Junjiu wake up! It's still playing, what the **** is it?"

The leader of the stick sullen and shouted.

In this competition, in order to kill the power and prestige of the Dragon Kingdom, it was not a tea party and a chat.

But as soon as his voice fell, the expression on his face suddenly changed, from blue to white, from white to red, and finally to a purple-black pig liver color.

Because in the ring, after Pu Junjiu took a deep breath, he walked to Lu Yu and bowed deeply to him.

"Excuse me, what is the name of that trick?"

"Tan legs, eleventh style, the wind swings the lotus leaf legs."

Wind swings lotus leaf legs?

Pu Jun Jiu was silent.

at last.

Bowed again, 90 degrees!

With a touch of pleading in his voice, he was very firm: "Dear Mr. Lu, I want to worship you as a teacher and learn Long Guo Kung Fu systematically. Please agree!"

The voice, without any concealment, passed clearly into the ears of everyone present.

It also includes the three generals in the stands.


Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei just drank the tea ~~ directly sprayed out, stunned for a long time.

Suddenly want to laugh up to the sky!

Because, he has not remembered how long he has not been so happy.

The master-level fighting master of the Southern Bangguo actually apprented to one of his recruits in public. It was too funny, but it was really cool…

He couldn't help but glanced at the general stick.

Isn't this guy jumping angrily?


This stick general directly forced him to slap him!

Frozen there, staring, staring at Pu Junjiu so hard.

The expression on that face was like his old mother who had been forcibly inserted countless times. It was really… a ghost alive.