Chapter 116: Loyalty

The military exchange meeting ended successfully.

Next, is a special celebration cocktail party.

When Mi Jun and the sticks went to rest, their faces were ugly, just like their dead relatives, not to mention how smelly they were!

But the Dragon Man was different. Along the way, everyone who passed by Lu Yu stopped to salute him and smile enthusiastically.

At this military exchange meeting, Lu Yu played out the integrity of the dragon, and made his country famous overseas, which deserves their respect!

The cocktail party is a self-service type. Those sticks and Mi Jun are carrying wine glasses with a gentleman's smile on their faces, but in fact, they are full of bad water and don't know what to do with you.

Lu Yu despised this!

This kind of cocktail party is not as good as everyone gathers together and eats hot pot.

Eat meat, drink alcohol, be free from any restraint, free and easy, how good?

This group of foreigners always put on a lofty face, saying that the people of the Long Kingdom are hypocritical and good at conspiracy. In fact, their own hearts are even more nasty, the complete hypocrite Yue Buqun.

For example, now, those majestic and majestic Mi Jun and Bangzi, who obviously hate you to death, but still pretend that nothing happened, treat them warmly!


"Ding! Congratulations to the host, who fought for national honor at the military exchange meeting, raised our country's prestige, and won 20,000 merit points."

The rewards of the system are received as scheduled.

Lu Yu grinned, this wave of no loss, the external mission is really rich.

Far beyond the previous exercise!

Holding a red wine glass in his hand, Lu Yu rolled his eyes and walked towards the group of hypocritical guys, clinking the glasses from time to time, and greeted enthusiastically.

When they saw Lu Yu, the corners of these people's eyes twitched and their smiles stiff, but they tried to conceal it, and they probably sold it in their hearts…

Haha! Who told you to pretend to me? Disgusting, you guys!

Lu Yu laughed heartily, very cheerful.

In the end, these people were afraid of him. As soon as Lu Yu came over, they immediately turned around and turned around, as if a mouse had seen a cat, lest they could avoid it.

Lu Yu is speechless. Am I that scary?

"Mr Lu!"

At this moment, a Mi Army colonel came over with a wine glass, smiled, and said in bad Chinese.

It's rare that a guy dared to come forward, and Lu Yu was not polite. He immediately greeted him and raised his glass and said, "Comrade Colonel, how are you?"

Colonel Mi Jun also raised his glass, touched Lu Yu, smiled and said, "Dragonman, very powerful!"

"Thank you."

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth was slightly raised, a little curious about the purpose of this guy.

Others are avoiding him far away, and this guy dared to take the initiative to meet him, would the American guy be so kind?

"I heard that all of you dragons are very good, both civil and military. I wonder if Mr. Lu is also like this?"

The eyes of this guy flashed, seemingly humbly asking for advice.

Lu Yu sneered in his heart.

Sure enough, the show is coming!

How can the soldiers of these hegemonic countries bow their heads to others?

The Americans keep on pursuing liberalism and love peace, but they often play sideballs in front of other people's homes, constantly make small moves, bully the weak, and they are even more disgusting than the maggots in the pit.

Lu Yu didn't pierce it, and followed his words and said, "Of course, we dragons are all heroes! Do you know why I came to participate in this competition?"

"Because you are great?"

"No no no!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "On the contrary! I am the worst performer in our army, so this kind of trivial matter can only fall to me."

He said, still a sad expression on his face.

The corner of the American colonel's mouth twitched fiercely.

It feels like a dog!

by! If you are the worst, don't you want to abuse our country and the stick?

Does it mean that we are not as good as scum?

Too annoying!


The muscles on his face were stiff, and the corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying: "Mr. Lu can really make a joke…"

Lu Yu stared at him solemnly: "Do you think I am joking?"


Colonel Miguo exhaled deeply, constantly calming himself and controlling his emotions.

Although he wanted to rush to beat Lu Yu, he knew that he was not Lu Yu's opponent, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

"Hehe, Mr. Lu joked, since the dragon people are so versatile, why don't you give us a show?"

The American Colonel flashed his eyes and began to run on words.

"Sing, can you?"

Lu Yu curled his lips.

"Please start your performance!"

A hint of sarcasm overflowed from the corner of the American Colonel's mouth.

He didn't believe that what good song Lu Yu would sing?

Nowadays, the mainstream culture of the world music scene is still in Europe and America. I have never heard of any good songs from Longguo.

Moreover, in their team, there is a professional music singer who came to serve as a soldier. He is very good at singing, and he will definitely kill the audience later!

The movement here also attracted most people's attention.

After learning that Lu Yu was about to sing, he immediately cleared out an area in the middle.

The whole reception was quiet.

Lu Yu strode forward and stood still.

Using the skill of the golden voice, sing without hesitation:

"The wolves are rising, looking north,

The dragon is rolling up and the horse sighs like frost,

My heart is like the Yellow River,

Who can fight against each other in twenty years?

The hatred and madness where the sword is going,

How many hands and feet are loyal to the country

Why do you serve your country with death,

She sighed and even more speechless, blood and tears filled her eyes,


When he opened his mouth, the audience was shocked.

In Lu Yu's deep voice, there was an incomparable momentum of a golden iron horse, sonorous and powerful!

Where the long sword is going, who is it, who will fight?

The generals defended their homes and the country, and the heroic sentiment and ambition of the blood on the battlefield were shown to the full.

Bury the bones away, serve the motherland, and kill all enemies who come.

The dragon people present, the moment they heard the sound of the song, couldn't help but boil with blood, as if all their blood was ignited.

One by one clenched his fists and looked excited, as if people were going to the battlefield in person, killing them decisively.

The Americans and the sticks didn't understand what the lyrics said at first, but when they listened to the translation, their faces became ugly.

This dragon man, singing this kind of song in front of them, is he trying to declare war?

Chi Guoguo's provocation!

Make no secret of it.

Facing the extremely unkind gaze of the United States and the stick, Lu Yu didn't care and still sang loudly.

He has a system in his body, and one day he will make the Dragon Kingdom truly rise, and kick the international police from the United States aside to play in the mud!

"Go south of the horseshoe and look north,

People look north towards the green grass and yellow dust,

I am willing to defend the territory and reclaim the territory,

The dignified Dragon Kingdom wants to let the Quartet,

Come congratulate!


The melody of the song is still reverberating~~ The dragon people on the scene are all standing upright, like a javelin, with fiery eyes!

They have been completely mobilized.

Thoroughly aroused the **** nature of the soldiers, and I can't wait to immediately fight on the battlefield and serve the country.

Since ancient times, the mission of soldiers has been to defend the territories, defend the country and the people, and make the country stronger!

If the country needs it, they will not hesitate to kill all the invading enemies!

This is the duty of a soldier.

Holy and great!

Lu Yu, who was singing, didn't know.

His singing also attracted the attention of the three national generals. They stopped talking and turned their eyes on the field!

Staring straight at him…