Chapter 118: Departing The Mekong

After seeing the visitor, Lu Yu immediately saluted: "Command Wen, why are you here?"

Lu Yu was surprised at Wen Guoqiang's arrival.

Wen Guoqiang saluted Lu Yu: "Lieutenant Lu, if there is nothing particularly important, we will not come to you. I know that your vacation is not over yet. I am really embarrassed to visit you at this time."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Command Wen, you are polite, we are soldiers and we are always waiting for orders! Besides, I also promised to be your high commissioner of the police. Let me tell you what you order."

Wen Guoqiang pondered for a moment without talking nonsense. He pointed to a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face behind him, and said: "This is Director Sun Chun, from the National Anti-drug Corps. Let him explain the details to you."

Anti-drug Corps?

Lu Yu's heart shuddered and nodded slightly, feeling that things might not be that simple anymore.

"Captain Lu, this is how things are. Recently, the Mekong generation that leads to my country in the Golden Triangle has harbored a criminal organization. Our police sent people to follow up in order to avoid the trouble. The drug dealers found out and killed two undercover agents on the spot. All intelligence personnel were brutally killed!"

Sun Chun looked serious: "In order to retaliate and deter our Longguo police, two fishermen and cargo ships on the Mekong River were also bloodbathed by criminal organizations, and all innocent crew members were killed!"

"Therefore, the above attaches great importance to this matter. Only then did our police decide to cooperate with the military to call on the special forces on the side of Langya to go deep into the Golden Triangle basin of the Mekong River and give this group of lawless criminals a head blow. Return the blood and completely wipe out this group of drug dealers."

After listening, Lu Yu looked shocked.

Golden Triangle? Mekong?

Damn it! ! !

Isn't this the Mekong operation?

How did it appear in the world of special forces? !

Seeing this situation, I want to send myself to the Mekong River to eliminate this group of drug dealers!

Sure enough, this world is not just a special force, but also integrated with the Mekong operation, which becomes more complicated.

But I didnt expect that the first task the police dispatched themselves to perform was Operation Mekong?

This was far beyond Lu Yu's expectations!

In Lu Yu's impression, the Mekong operation broke out because drug dealers in the Golden Triangle shot and killed 13 innocent crew members, which completely angered the Longguo police.

However, according to Sun Chun's narrative just now, the police undercover and intelligence personnel seemed to have escalated the incident even more.

Seeing Lu Yu didn't say a word, Sun Chun thought he was reluctant, and immediately said: "Captain Lu, this matter is serious, and the Wolfy Special Brigade specifically recommended you out. Although we know that you are still on vacation, we…"

Lu Yu returned to his senses and raised his head and smiled slightly: "Director Sun, you have misunderstood that it is our military's duty to combat terrorists that endanger national interests! Besides, they also shot and killed our innocent people. This hatred must be repaid! You! Wait, I'll clean up and let you go."

Wen Guoqiang smiled and said, "Old Sun, let me just say that Xiao Lu will not refuse this matter."

Sun Chun put his heart back to his stomach, and said bitterly: "I am not in a hurry, things can't be delayed, and they can't be delayed for a moment! Otherwise, we will have more soldiers and people sacrifice."

Lu Yu returned to the dormitory, packed up casually, and got into the car with Sun Chun on his back and arrived at the Eastern Navy Airport.

A helicopter is already waiting here.

The three people boarded the plane and flew towards the southernmost city of the Dragon Kingdom.

Three hours later.

The plane landed at Nanhai Airport.

As soon as he stepped off the plane, Lu Yu was surprised to find that all the members of the red blood cell were present.

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu, Song Kaifei, Xu Tianlong.

The five people stood upright on the airport like a javelin.

Seeing Lu Yu walking down, the five people saluted at the same time: "Brother Yu."

"Why are you all here?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

"We don't understand. I was still at home for dinner, but they came to me and told me that there was an urgent task, and then I was taken here."

He Chenguang smiled bitterly.

Wen Guoqiang walked over with a smile and explained: "This Mekong operation requires a highly coordinated special force. Brigadier Commander He explained that he will use your red blood cells to go out. He believes that you can complete the task."

It turned out to be so.

Lu Yu nodded slightly, He Zhijun, this was giving the red blood cells a chance to do meritorious service.

Similarly, they are training red blood cells to assess their ability to fight alone!

The sharp edge of the country is not just talking about it, but also needs to be constantly sharpened in battles before it can become a sharp blade that scares the enemy.

Under the leadership of Wen Guoqiang, several people entered a temporary command center.

Inside, they were already full of people, with serious expressions, making the red blood cell members who just entered felt the tension.

"I'm going! The battle is so big? Brother Yu, what mission are we going to perform?"

Wang Yanbing's eyes flicked back and forth, and asked in a low voice.

All of them stared at Lu Yu in doubt. They had taken a good vacation, but were suddenly arrested to perform the task.

Anyone has a big greeting from the bottom of their hearts!

Lu Yu's words are concise, without any nonsense: "Killing."

In the words, with a trace of coldness and murder, He Chenguang and others not only shivered.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't understand, who was this going to kill?

Although he has been on the battlefield and seen blood, he is still a group of recruits after all.

Suddenly hearing the word killing, its a little bit oozing!

After everyone was seated, Sun Chun ordered: "Let's get started."

Immediately, a ray of light hit the big screen in front of him, and the projector projected a group of images in front of everyone.

In the picture, some people were shot and killed. It was very **** and made people frown.

Among them, many elderly, women and children were killed in a simple and direct way, and they were shot headshot.

Even some women ~~ still have strangulations on their bodies, and their clothes are disheveled. They are obviously violated in front of them.

The **** picture tells how cruel the criminals' methods are. It can be called purgatory on earth.

The scene was quiet.

But everyone's breathing is increasing!


The red blood cell person took a deep breath and couldn't help clenching his fists.

Just now, they were still a little puzzled about the murder Lu Yu said.

But at this moment, they were angry and furious!

No matter who kills their compatriots so cruelly, this hatred can only be quelled at the price of blood.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Sun Chun stood up and walked to the screen, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, you have seen the situation! These brutally murdered people include anti-drug fighters who are on the front line like you, and undercover intelligence personnel. , But more of them are innocent people."