Chapter 120: I Will Take Care Of You

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "They are all my comrades-in-arms, the most loyal fighters! Of course I have to take them on the battlefield this time. Moreover, the Golden Triangle is full of jungles. The nose of a military dog is comparable to ours in a jungle battle. The eyes should work well."

Seeing that there were thirteen army dogs in the area, the people on the police side had their eyes wide open and looked strange.

This time, they only had a police dog. When did the dog become the protagonist on the battlefield?

Or maybe it was their special forces that developed the tactics.

Need human and dog cooperation?

Not only did the police have big eyes and small eyes, but even the police dog's eyes widened. The dog's face was full of threats.


Xiao Tian barked his teeth and barked loudly at the thirteen army dogs.

The attitude is very arrogant.

It seems to be saying that this is the territory of this dog, you gang of foreign dogs, how far can you go!

"Xiaotian, stop barking, they are here to help our comrades-in-arms, these army dogs are also your companions."

The trainer looked helpless, couldn't hold Xiaotian at all, and hurried around and shouted loudly.


Not only did Xiaotian not listen, but his screams became fierce.

Barring his teeth, his saliva dripped down his teeth to the ground, and he couldn't immediately rush to fight.

The black-faced sheriff Gao Gang also went up and shouted, but the result was still the same.

Gao Gang helplessly apologized to Lu Yu and the others: "Captain Lu, I'm sorry! Xiaotian doesn't know what's going on today, it's not like this normally."

The trainer also explained: "Usually here, there is only one police dog in the police force. It is the first time that Xiaotian has seen so many dogs. He felt that his status was threatened, so he kept barking. Don't mind."

Glancing at the mighty general next to him, Lu Yu smiled playfully.

"Is this dog fierce? Or, I will discipline you?"

The trainer shook his head and said with a smile: "No, Xiao Tian is very arrogant, and usually only listens to me and Captain Gao! Now, it doesn't even listen to us, you definitely can't control it."

Gao Gang said: "Yes, police dogs are the most loyal fighters. They only listen to the words of their masters! Not only will they not listen to the words of strangers, but they will also be full of vigilance. Even if you give them the most delicious bones, Xiaotian will disdain them. Gu."

"is it?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said with a smile: "I've been particularly familiar with dogs since I was a kid, and I'm also good at dog training! So everyone in the dog world gave me a nickname called'The King of Dogs'!"


Gao Gang and the trainer looked at each other and said helplessly, "Well then, you can try it."

They said so, but in their hearts, they still didn't believe that Lu Yu could make Xiaotian shut up.

Lu Yu turned his head and curled his lips at the mighty general: "Don't watch the good show. I haven't seen it. Does this little brother welcome us? Teach him how to be a qualified good dog?"

The mighty general grinned and looked disgusted, retracted his exhaled tongue, and stood up lazily.


At this station, the twelve army dogs in a row behind him stood up together.

The movements are neat and standard like a fighter!

A flash of surprise flashed in Gao Gang's eyes.

Taking a step, majestic and majestic walked in front of Xiaotian.

The trainer took a step back. He had never been surrounded by so many dogs, so scared that he couldn't speak easily: "They…what do they want?"

The mighty general raised his head like a king, looking down at his subjects with contempt in his eyes.


Xiaotian is a little timid, but in front of such a dog, we can't lose the dog's face, right?

Still yelling recklessly.


The mighty general dog frowned, curled his mouth, turned his head, and yelled behind him twice.

Brothers, come on!

Suddenly, the army dogs lined up neatly behind him, like soldiers who received military orders, swarmed up.

While yelling fiercely, while waving a dog's paw, he called out with a big mouth

Barking! (Little brother, I dont care about the rules, dare to bark at our boss?)

Barking! (Call again, you beat you like a brother!)

Barking! (A social beating!)

Xiaotian clamped his tail, and the beaten mouse screamed, screaming on the ground.

The mighty general raised his head high and looked around.

Little brother, if you dare to compare, you cant even be a dog!

Lu Yu nodded in satisfaction, seeing that Xiaotian was almost bullied, so he reached out to tell it–

"If you want to get mixed up in the dog world, wink a little in the future, don't be too mindless to learn from others to be the boss! These are your bosses right now, and you don't have any eyesight, how can you learn to be a dog?"

Xiaotian felt wronged and held his head with his two front paws.

A pair of dogs looked at Lu Yu and then at the mighty general.

The mighty general stared.

How come Feixi? Brother, my master can't speak well, is it?

Woo woo woo.

Xiaotian shook his head quickly and immediately became a grandson.

Then, grinning, licking his nose, wagging his tail happily like a pug, and showing good wishes to all dog bosses with a flat face.

It's a shit!

The mighty general was arrogant and returned to Lu Yu with his army dogs.


Xiaotian jumped and jumped, and instantly broke away from the breeder's rope, rushed to the back of the bosses of military dogs, doing the best state of showing good.

Obviously put yourself upright and treat yourself as a little brother…

However, the dog bosses do not buy it for this kind of favor.

The despised Xiaotian, a pair of dogs rolled their eyes, and hurried to Li Erniu's side, to please him.

Just now, it saw this big man, and he touched and patted the dog's head.

If you please Li Erniu, you can please the dog bosses.

"Xiaotian, you can be corrected if you know your mistakes. You are also a good dog."

Li Erniu smiled, knelt down, and touched Xiaotian's dog's head.

Xiaotian flattered to the extreme, sticking out his tongue, licking Li Erniu's face.


Little did they know that this behavior made everyone look weird.

Li Erniu smiled and said, "Well, Xiaotian, I am here! They will not dare to bully you in the future!"


Lu Yu gave a dry cough to remind Li Erniu.

"What's wrong, Brother Yu, your throat is uncomfortable?" Li Erniu asked curiously.

Song Kaifei swallowed his saliva: "Er Niu, it just added all the dog's chrysanthemums to ~~…"

Li Erniu: "???"

The members of the red blood cells have long been familiar with Lu Yu's endless abilities.

Even the most ferocious wolves can be controlled, and it is not a problem to subdue a police dog.

And the most shocking was the people on the police side.

In their impression, Xiaotian is a mighty and unyielding police dog. When did it fall to this point?

All the people in the police force were confused.

"Xiaotian, you… why did you become like this?"

The trainer suddenly became anxious and shouted: "Hurry up, come back quickly, a little bit of spine, OK? You are a police dog, don't embarrass us!"

However, Xiao Tianniao never birded him.

Just to please the dog bosses in front of him.