Chapter 122: See Peng Yuyan Himself?

On Lu Yu's side, taking a helicopter to Jinshanjiao.

In the East China Sea, at the command center of the Spike Special Forces Brigade, Fan Tianlei was angrily knocked on He Zhijun's door!

"Old Fan? Aren't you staying in the hospital? How come you have time to come to me?"

He Zhijun laughed in surprise: "Your urinary incontinence is cured?"

Fan Tianlei had a sullen face and asked with a sneer: "He Zhijun, you are afraid that I am in the hospital and don't know anything about it, right? Is my Fan Tianlei not in your eyes?"

"My old brother, what do you mean?" He Zhijun looked inexplicable.

"What do you mean? Humph! I have to ask you what you mean!"

Fan Tianlei's face was black and it was even more ugly: "As a commander, my squad wants to act! Why didn't I receive any news in advance? Or is it such an important task? If my decision is not passed, I will send my people out. ! You played pretty slippery with this hand"

"Oh, what are you talking about?" He Zhijun smiled, "Is there any problem?"

"The problem? The problem is big!"

Fan Tianlei roared anxiously: "You should know that they are all new recruits and have no experience with the enemy! You sent this group of rookies to the Mekong River to perform such an urgent and critical task. Is your brain flooded? Major events related to the dignity and glory of the country should be dispatched more experienced Thunder and Lightning Commandos and Lone Wolf Group B to complete them!"

He Zhijun frowned and interrupted him: "Old Fan, they are recruits, yes, but recruits don't mean they are inexperienced! I don't agree with you."

"Last time, they looked like the Raiden Commando and Black Hawk Commando you personally selected? But what was the final result? You have so many people, you were taken away by six people, even the old nest. Sent to the hospital, including you Chief of Staff Fan!"

He Zhijun said solemnly: "If they are holding real guns, I, the brigade commander, should I attend your funeral?"


Fan Tianlei blushed, and he was very depressed when he mentioned the incident last time.

Looking back, my muscles still spasm!

"Anyway, you should inform me first, at least let me watch by my side, so as to be more secure for this action."

He Zhijun waved his hand: "Okay, don't you just want to come to claim power? I didn't say depriving you of your rights, you are still the chief of staff of the red blood cell!"

"Huh? Really?"

Fan Tianlei's complexion changed too fast just like flipping a book, and immediately the clouds turned clear, and it was brilliant.

He came back this time, condemning is just a cover, this is the original purpose.

"Get out of here! You old guy, I know what **** you're **** when you push your ass."

He Zhijun laughed and scolded: "Don't bother me, I'll be annoying when I see you."

"Hey, okay, how do I listen to what the leader says! I'll stay away."

When the goal was achieved, Fan Tianlei immediately smiled shyly.

Since the right is about to come, he didn't plan to stay here, he had to contact the police as soon as possible to provide logistical support for the red blood cells.

Fan Tianlei rushed towards the police station in a hurry.

On the other side, the members of the red blood cells also arrived at the border, and the helicopter landed beside the border.

"One hundred meters ahead is the border, we can only get off the plane here."

The man leading the red blood cell and the police force stepped onto the sand, Gao Gang turned around and waved at the pilot.

"Bon Voyage."

The helicopter soared into the sky.

Gao Gang raised his head and entered a standard ceremony before leading everyone to the border.

Over there, there have been police officers waiting for the reception.

Several people crossed the border, and Lu Yu asked, "Team Gao, where are we going now?"

"Meeting my connector will arrange for us to stay temporarily. He has a lot of information there," Gao Gang replied.

Lu Yu flashed his eyes and asked with a smile, "Who is the street man?"

Gao Gang said, "I don't know. I haven't met him. I'll find out later."

After walking along the road ahead for more than ten minutes, a convertible off-road vehicle never turned far and suddenly rushed over.


The open-top off-road vehicle was fast, and after arriving in front of everyone, a beautiful drifting tail, stopped in the middle of the road, and the dust was flying.

Wearing a yellow mandarin shirt, a square scarf on his head and a one-meter-eight handsome guy wrapped in ripped jeans underneath, he jumped off the car.

He has a mustache and a neatly trimmed, wild and unrestrained manner without losing control, making Guo Bing, the only female member of the police force, a nymphomaniac.

It's really him!

Lu Yu stared at the handsome mustache, his mouth turned up with a smile.

Don't say, the two look alike.

Are they two people in parallel time and space?

The twins are not so alike!


The mustache made a cool gesture, walked up to Gao Gang openly, stretched out his hand and said hello: "I am Fang Xinwu."

"Gao Gang." Gao Gang shook hands with him and smiled: "After receiving so many years of information from you, I finally saw the real person!"

"With each other." Fang Xinwu laughed: "I knew you a long time ago."

"Oh? Do you know me?"

Gao Gang was surprised: "We have never seen each other."

"After so many years of working together, even if I haven't met each other, the impression about you has already been printed in my mind." Fang Xinwu pointed to his brain, looked up and down Gao Gang, and laughed: "Besides, you The black-faced sergeant is as black as the legend, it is hard not to recognize it!"

Upon hearing this, Gao Gang's black face suddenly turned into ashes at the bottom of the pot.

This guy is clearly hacking me, no matter how hacky I am, can someone from the special forces hack me?

"Smelly boy, he is impatient, but he has a bit of a bad mouth!" Gao Gang laughed.

"Haha! To each other, you are darker than I thought."

Fang Xinwu's face was stunned.


Gao Gang felt bad.

Can we not mention the black?

"they are"

Fang Xinwu turned his face and saw Lu Yu and others next to him.

Because of the mission, the members of the red blood cell have taken off their military ranks and put on camouflage uniforms for foreign troops.

"Oh, let me introduce you."

Gao Gang stepped forward and pointed to Lu Yu. He said, "Special Forces~~ This is the captain of the red blood cell team, Lu Yu."

Hearing about the special forces, Fang Xinwu immediately put away his cynical expression, his face was serious: "Fortunately, I admire special forces the most. I trained in special forces before I became an undercover agent."

Lu Yu stepped forward to shake hands with him, smiled and said, "I know someone who looks very similar to you."

"Who is it?" Fang Xinwu was taken aback.

"Peng Yuyan!"

Fang Xinwu thought for a while. He had never heard of the name, thinking that the man was just a friend of Lu Yu.

"Haha! Then I can pack a ticket with you. Your friend named Peng Yuyan is definitely not as handsome as me!"

Lu Yu smiled and said nothing. If you really let the two of you meet, wouldn't you be scared to death by each other?

Two people who are almost exactly the same.

Maybe he is considered a long-lost brother!