Two More Supreme Level Skills

Aakash was a bit stunned and rushed to look at the panel in front of him.


Skill Deducing system

Host: Aakash Neupane (only)

Skills Deduced: Supreme Level Longevity Technique

Skills Deducing: None

Prestige: 31

Lifespan: 81


'Prestige. It may be useful for reducing the time required to deduce a skill. Let's just try and see what happens.'

'System, deduce computer programming skills. The best one.'


Skill: Supreme Level Computer Programming

Deduction Time: 25 years

Whether to deduce?


Aakash looked at the screen in front of him with a face full of understanding.

'It seems that this is a well thought out model. Gift pack gives a free deduction opportunity and the integration of that very first skill will turn on the prestige system.'

'It's a good thing that I used my free deduction opportunity on the longevity technique or else it would surely use up lots of prestige points.'


Skill Deducing system

Host: Aakash Neupane (only)

Skills Deduced: Supreme Level Longevity Technique

Skills Deducing: Supreme Level Computer Programming (Remaining Time : 24 years 364 days 23 hours 59 minutes 52 seconds{-})

Prestige: 31

Lifespan: 81


Aakash looked a bit excited and clicked on the minus sign located at the end of the remaining time on the system screen.

As soon as he clicked on the minus sign, the prestige and remaining time on the system screen both decreased by 1 and 1 year respectively.

Aakash madly clicked on the minus sign and before long, the screen in front of him changed.


Supreme Level Computer Programming has been successfully deduced.

Whether to integrate?



The scene from just a few minutes ago repeated itself but it only lasted for half a minute. This alone told much about the difference in complexity of the two techniques Aakash had deduced till now.

Aakash took another look at his system panel.


Skill Deducing system

Host: Aakash Neupane (only)

Skills Deduced: Supreme Level Longevity Technique, Supreme Level Computer Programming

Skills Deducing: None

Prestige: 6

Lifespan: 81


Aakash was a computer science student which was plenty of motivation for him to choose computer programming as his second skill.

Aakash was pretty sure that he had already left behind the current top computer science skill by almost a few decades.

If the world was digitized, Aakash's computer skills would be at level 10 while even the top most programmers would be barely considered to be at level 6.

Aakash still had his priorities figured out and sat in a lotus position and started the longevity technique. It was a technique of engulfing the dark energy in the universe and using it to increase your own lifespan.

Unlike the normal definition of cultivation techniques, this technique only increased your lifespan while having no effect on your personal power.

Aakash realized this and wondered if he had made a wrong choice.

'I probably have an unlimited lifespan so who cares. I can get those supreme cultivation techniques sooner or later.'

Aakash halfheartedly and optimistically consoled himself while focusing back on the actual practice of the longevity technique.

Aakash quickly lost track of time. This session continued for a whole two hours. Aakash only stopped the practice after he was woken up because of an incoming call on his mobile phone.

It was his friend from college who had called to inquire about why he wasn't there at the college. His friends had actually called him at 6:00 AM to go to the college together but he hadn't picked up their call.

He quickly made up a reason of oversleeping and promised to meet with them in the evening.



Skill Deducing system

Host: Aakash Neupane (only)

Skills Deduced: Supreme Level Longevity Technique, Supreme Level Computer Programming

Skills Deducing: None

Prestige: 6

Lifespan: 101


Aakash was completely blown away by the fact that just two hours of cultivation had yielded in a total of 20 years of lifespan being added.

1 year has 8766 hours. If he practiced for a whole year, he could add 8766 years worth of lifespan to himself and and, by the looks of it, it wasn't that difficult to enter a trance like state that could just cut you off from the outside world.

On top of that, he felt fresh like never before. It was probably the effect of the added lifespan or maybe the exercise itself.

Aakash got out his bed and checked his mobile phone. He opened google and started searching for computer science related journals while moving towards another room that had his laptop in it.

The fastest way to increase his prestige and make a name was to write a paper or maybe even patent some algorithm related patents that would be based in computer science. As a person with Supreme Level Computer Programming skills, he was naturally proficient in these matters such as algorithms, networking and various other technologies that a good programmer must know of.

'Maybe some scientific paper writing skills would help but let's see.'

"System, deduce the best research paper writing skill."


Skill: Supreme Research paper writing skill

Deduction time: 10 years

Whether to deduce?


"Start deducing.", Aakash softly called out.

Aakash started tapping the minus sign in the currently being deduced skill section and before long his faced. He stared at the skill panel dumbfounded as cold sweat soaked his back. His skin started to visibly age and get wrinkled while his hair started to whiten along with his back getting slightly hunched.

He had turned into an older self of himself in his late fifties.



Skill Deducing system

Host: Aakash Neupane (only)

Skills Deduced: Supreme Level Longevity Technique, Supreme Level Computer Programming, Supreme Research paper writing skill(not integrated)

Skills Deducing: None

Prestige: 0

Lifespan: 61


Aakash was somewhat horrified of what he just discovered. He found himself to be extremely lucky that this skill deduction required less time or he would have expanded his lifespan.

Aakash hurriedly went back to his room and started practicing the longevity technique. This practice continue till 6:00 PM when he got a call from his friends.


Skill Deducing system

Host: Aakash Neupane (only)

Skills Deduced: Supreme Level Longevity Technique, Supreme Level Computer Programming, Supreme Research paper writing skill(not integrated)

Skills Deducing: None

Prestige: 0

Lifespan: 136


(Lifespan refers to years left to live.)

Aakash only breathe a sigh of relief after looking at himself in the mirror. He had returned to how he was supposed to be and once again thanked his luck for even being alive.

"Integrate the paper writing skill."

Aakash froze for a while and before long, the pain caused by the instilling of information to his mind had passed away and he was left with another skill.

Aakash didn't proceed to write a paper, he had plenty of time to do that. Instead, he got ready and went out in his scooter. It was his mom's scooter and had now become his. Even though he didn't have a license, he uncaringly went ahead because he basically knew the places where there could be police checking the license and could easily bypass these places.

Aakash went to the Tripura Cafe and joined his friends who were already having Mo:Mo there in a private cabin.