Chapter 05

"I meant what I said" Xiao Feng stands up and went towards the bed and start loosening the tie on her waist and taking off the outer layers of her dress.

"I am going to sleep. It's not early. You should go back"

Shan Yuan walks out of the room. "I was helping her but she is making herself distance from me"

"Your highness, I think though princess didn't talk about anything she is just worried about you just like your highness worries about the princess and doesn't want her to struggle with these problems. As a prince of Yang, you shouldn't interfere that much with kingdom Sui's problems. It will bring harm to both you and our kingdom. She is thinking about you"

"Do you think so?" Shan Yuan was hiding his smile as Bai Qi chuckled.

"Yeah, clearly"

Xiao Feng was laying on the bed and Weining sat down on the floor beside the bed. "Your highness, it's clear that prince Yang"

"I know, Weining. I just don't want to bring harm to Shan Yuan he is my best friend. If I ignore him, he will go back. He deserves better and he is a gentleman too" Weining opened her mouth to say something but closed her mouth.

It was the last day for Xiao Feng if her poison hasn't been cured. Imperial eunuch came with an antidote too. Xiao Feng asks Weining to store it for future use. That day her family members came to visit her in the palace. Her father asks about her plans. Xiao Feng said her point of view to her father. She said she wants to help the second prince for the throne together with her eldest sister. The Prime minister agreed to her idea.

The second prince and her eldest sister were there sitting together with Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng said about her plans and she also said about the conversation with her father with both of them. The same day she was going back to the prince Jing manor as people were gossiping on the sides of the road.

"Princess royal is the most powerful rank after emperor since there is no crown prince yet"

"Prince Jing is a bastard, I heard that she even tried to divorce her in front of all the ministers in the court"

"I am sure prince Jing has already lost the favor of the emperor by now"

"I heard that prince Jing hasn't been to princess royal's chamber once"

"Where did you hear it?"

"My cousin is working in prince Jing's manor"

"It's a good thing, princess royal's sanity shouldn't lose for a bastard"

"Not that even on the wedding night prince Jing didn't come to take off her veil because he was spending time with his concubine"

Everyone was blaming prince Jing and talked about the royal family.

"Your highness, do you want me to shut them?" Weining asked.

"Just remind them it's a felony to gossip about the royal family, they're not talking about bad about me but prince Jing. I have lost my appetite remembering his name" Xiao Feng complained and put down the half-eaten dessert.

"Yes, Prince Jing is too much" Weining outside asks a soldier to tell him what was said by Xiao Feng. The carriage suddenly gets to a halt.

"Xiao Feng!!"

"It's general Yan. Wow, he is so handsome" People start to whisper and forgot about prince Jing. Xiao Feng could hear people praising her brother as a smile formed on her face.

"Older brother" Xiao Feng sided the curtain as she gets off the carriage and ran towards her brother and hugged him. People were emotional seeing the sweet moment of princess royal and general Yan's encounter.

"Older brother, I missed you"

"Younger sister, I missed you" Xiao Feng was holding back her tears. She hasn't seen her brother for more than a year. "Brother, brother"

"Why are you crying? I'm here, right? Let's go" They both were going to prince Jing's manor while general Yan with his followers was leading the way. The carriage stopped in front of the manor. She came out and her brother help her to get off the carriage.

"Brother, I have something to handle here, don't you want to report to the emperor?"

"I already did, that's why I am late. I received your message and I was coming back and I decide to ask for punishment after coming back but to surprise me got a pigeon message from camp saying the royal edict was there. I also have an edict in my hand for Jing manor" Xiao Feng nodded as she waits at the entrance waiting for a housekeeper to welcome them. The housekeeper came and greeted Xiao Feng.

"Welcome back princess Jing" "Housekeeper Dong, are you kidding me? It's not princess Jing. It's Princess Royal" Xiao Feng chuckled at Weining. Weining was still having grudge against housekeeper Don's mistreatment.

"I am sorry princess royal. Welcome back"

"Ask your, master, to take the royal edict"

"Yes, general Yan" After a while prince, Jing, and lady Zhao came and knelt as Xiao Feng knelt in the same place. After general Yan read the edict, everyone stands up and prince Jing took the edict.

"Xiao Feng, the father asks you to come home for a few days"

"Really?" Xiao Feng's eyes gleamed with joy.

"You are... you're just like when you were little," he said patting her head as Xiao Feng pouted and the seriousness took her as she looks at prince Jing giving a small fake smile.

"Your highness, I am going to visit my parents. My mother is coming back too. I should go to welcome her back. Since lady Zhao is pregnant you should take care of her well" Xiao Feng turned to go.

"Wait, I will come to greet mother-in-law when she arrived" Xiao Feng had her back against prince Jing when he said he will come to visit her mother. She just smiled and walk on her path.

After coming to Xiao manor general Yan was walking in circles in Xiao Feng's courtyard.

"Why didn't you divorce if such a thing happens? How did he dare to say something shameful? Even the emperor himself respect our family"

"Brother, I said you. I want to help the Second prince for the crown. So, I have to stay in the Jing manor for now"

"But why? Why are you sacrificing yourself? You're too young Xiao Feng"

"My mother came here for marriage alliance at the age of 17. Why can't I?"


"Brother, just help me" At the time the door opened revealing 2 men wearing black.

"Who're you?" General Yan took out his sword as they took off their masks making Xiao Feng sigh and put her hand on her head supporting her head.

"Brother, they are my friends"

"You sure?" Xiao Feng nodded as her brother withdraw his sword.

"Shan Yuan, didn't I tell you not to come again?"

"But I'm worried you know?" Shan Yuan missed Xiao Feng these days. He hasn't seen her for more than a week. He will always get the illusion that Xiao Feng was everywhere and it was only Xiao Feng he could see even in his dreams. General Yan gave a teasing look and Xiao Feng sighed.

"You should go back" Shan Yuan sighed too.

"I am going back. I came to tell you this and the one behind the assassination in the banquet was 3rd prince. He took the help of the Wei kingdom" Xiao Feng looked at Shan Yuan.

"How do you know?"

"I let my men investigate it after knowing the poison is from the northern kingdom. The plant that was taken to make that poison is on the border of the North kingdom and Wei. After going through all it was the Wei kingdom with 3rd prince. You should take care of yourself. This, you will need it" He gave a token. There were letters Yuan.

"You can send me a letter through this if you want. Give it to the restaurant we met" Xiao Feng nodded and took the token.

"Since you want me to go back, I will go back," he said without letting go of Xiao Feng's hand that was going to get the token and finally let it go as went back after wearing the mask back.

Xiao Feng felt her heart stiffen and a great pain like she missed something. She wants Shan Yuan to stay. She doesn't want to let go of Shen Yuan but she thinks she is married though she hasn't been together she still needs to think everything over when everything is over. General Yan looks at Weining and motion her to follow him as she nodded and they both went out.

Weining said everything about Shan Yuan and Xiao Feng and general Yan understood that her younger sister has fallen in love.

The next day Xiao Feng's mother came back. There was a huge feast in the palace to welcome princess Heping. Everyone was in the palace as the emperor had asked princess royal to accompany him and the empress to the main hall.

"Emperor, empress, princess dowager, and princess royal are here" the eunuch announced. They enter the great hall as Xiao Feng bows to the emperor and empress and she went toward her brother and sat down. Princess dowager also sat down in her seat.

"Princess of West kingdom, princess Heping is here' eunuch announced again.

All look at the entrance as a gorgeous woman enters the hall with servants behind her. Xiao Feng smiled seeing her mother. People start gossiping about the beauty and how Xiao Feng and general Yan got their looks.

"Brother, mom is even more beautiful every day right?"

"That's right if it's not for mother's choice, maybe the emperor had married her" general Yan whispered the last words as Xiao Feng chuckled and hit his arm.

"If you are so bold why not say it loud?" General Yan opens his mouth and Xiao Feng quickly closes his mouth with her hands.

"Are you serious?"

"Princess Heping, pay her respect to your majesty"

"Sister-in-law. Please rise"

"Your majesty, my father sends her regards for you" Emperor nodded while smiling.

"Sister-in-law, take a seat. I have reserved a seat behind your husband. You must miss him"

"Of course. I miss my husband. By the way, I brought a gift for the empress" It could naturally see that Princess Helping and Xiao Feng both are alike.

"What did you bring me, sister Qin Zhu?" Empress asked curious about what was brought by princess Helping. Last time she brought a red coral.

She signals her servants as one went front with a box and a maid of the empress came down and take the box to empress the box and opened it.

"This is," Empress asked.

"Yes, it's the pearl in the South Sea. I remember your highness said you want to see it"

"You're giving it to me?"

Princess Helping flashed a smile that was similar to Xiao Feng and take a seat behind his husband.

"Let the feast begin" Emperor announced. Xiao Feng peeked at his brother since her mother was sitting in the next seat behind her brother together with the left prime minister.

"Mom" Xiao Feng smiled and princess Heping also smiled at Xiao Feng looking at her.

"My little cutie, did you miss me?" Xiao Feng nodded while pouting.

"Be good in front of the public. We can catch up after going back. Be good, okay?" She said looking at his husband and Xiao Feng pouted as general Yan look at her sister and mimicked his mother and pat Xiao Feng's head. "Be good"

Then make her sit straight by grabbing the back collar of her dress as Xiao Feng pouted.

"Brother, see. She just ignored us" Xiao Feng started whining like a child as general Yan showed a dessert in front of her mouth again mimicking his mother. Xiao Feng quickly takes it in her mouth while eating. Feast went on. The feast was for welcoming princess Heping and general Yan back, celebrating Xiao Feng being healthy, and also for her new title.

"General Yan" General Yan went to the front and knelt.

"I'm here" General Yan cupped his hands together.

"General Yan contributed a lot to the kingdom"

"It's my duty, your majesty"

"Left prime minister had brought many good children for the country" Left Prime Minister Stand up and bow while thanking.

"General Yan has guarded the southern border since he was little. I hear by announce General Yan take the title of Great general and continue doing your duty. Your deadline for going back will make longer since your mother is also back. Great General Yan is gifted with a manor and 1000 gold"

"Thank you, your majesty but the contribution to the country is also made by the soldiers. So"

"I know what you are saying. Every soldier will get their own share"

"Thank you, your majesty"

"Your majesty is wise. Long live your majesty" Everyone bowed and the emperor asked everyone to let go of formality. The feast was going on as Xiao Feng got a piece of paper from a maid and starts reading it. "3rd prince will take action tonight, Shan Yuan"

"What's it?" General Yan asked. Xiao Feng showed the piece of paper to her brother as General Yan took a deep breath. Xiao Feng signal Linlin and Weining and ask Linlin to give the paper to her mother and then inform her eldest sister to go back. Weining to inform empress to come out together with princess dowager. She told what exactly should be said instead of scaring the snake.

"Brother, we should take the grandmother out. She is old" Her brother nodded and tell her man something.

"I am going for the Second sister. She is pregnant"