Chapter 07

"The imperial edict by the fourth emperor of Sui!" Everyone knelt.

"My Second son is filial and close to me. I announce the Second prince will take the throne as the fifth emperor of Sui with imperial military power. The minister will remain the same in my mourning period" Xiao Feng announced the edict which was long enough for a couple of minutes.

There had also written princess royal to assist the emperor in the court with the title princess royal grand. Great General Yan back to the southern border. Left prime minister's eldest daughter as the empress and few more instructions.

"Second prince takes the edict" Second prince stepped forward and knelt back as Xiao Feng went down and make him stand up and assist him onto the throne and hand over the capital's military power and imperial seal. Then came back to the right place and knelt.

"Long live your majesty" Xiao Feng bowed as everyone kowtowed.

"Long live your majesty"

"My ministries rise" He look at Xiao Feng as Xiao Feng nodded.

"I will work as my royal father, former emperors wish. So, in the upcoming 3 months the whole kingdom should mourn for their former emperor without any entertaining events"

"Your majesty is wise" the New emperor signals for the court to dismiss.

"Court dismissed" Ministries all went out gossiping.

"It's sure that former emperor favor princess royal grand. It is equal to the rank of the prince regent. Even the founding emperor only grant princess royal grand when his sister was in her fifties."

"That's right when she was young, she even visited the emperor in the great hall and sit together with him"

"Right even a prince hasn't done so"

"No wonder, I heard that former emperor spends her last minutes with princess royal grand"

"It's such a pity, Prince Jing" The last ministry sighed and a cough was heard behind them as they look back and bow to prince Jing.

"Your highness" They all bow to prince Jing.

"Go go" Prince Jing signals them to go away.

In the great hall, Xiao Feng bowed to the new emperor.

"Your majesty" Xiao Feng

"Don't need courtesy. Just call me brother-in-law" Xiao Chou nodded and smiled a little.

"Brother-in-law, I will send off the great general Yan back to the border tomorrow"

"But royal father only asked to go back after week time"

"Brother-in-law, now the late emperor passed away. You just came to the throne and the court is not stable. If my brother keeps staying in the capital some ministries will find trouble because they fear the Xiao family. They will try to find trouble and now the best option is that general Yan go back to the border" Emperor nodded finally understanding the situation.

Xiao Feng is already in power. The Prime minister is also from the Xiao family. Great general Yan is also from the Xiao family and also has the tiger tally. Even the empress is from the Xiao family.

"Then we will do as you said"

"Thank you, your majesty"

"Then I will take my leave"

"Wait, Xiao Feng. Take care of the redecorating in the palace"

"But you brother-in-law"

"I just came to the throne. I don't have many aids, you know that"

"Then okay" Xiao Feng bowed to the emperor and went to the princess dowager's palace. Xiao Feng spends time with the princess dowager together with her brother, general Yan who was already there. They came back to the Xiao manor just to be welcomed by princess Heiping.


"Have you eaten dinner?"

"Yes, we ate with the grandmother" General Yan answered.

"Some desserts?"

"Mom, I am tired. I will go back to my courtyard" Prince Heiping hesitantly nodded her head letting her go. Xiao Feng to her courtyard and dismissed all the maids asking them to prepare some desserts and a bath.

"Linlin" Xiao Feng signals and Linlin went to the door and guards. Xiao Feng went to the shelf which had many decorations. The shelf's corners had cylinder-shaped shelves with various pots she turns the cylinder-shaped shelf on the left side and then went near to the bed and take out a jade pendant in phoenix shape and took off the quilt on the bed and there was a space which had the same shape and she put the phoenix shaped jade in the space and press it and walk to the other side of the bed and a drawer had come out.

There were metal balls in the drawer. She took one of the metal balls and open it. The size of a metal ball is that of a hand of a man. Inside the metal ball was empty. She closes the drawer with a push and took out the tiger tally given by the late emperor and put it inside a metal ball with the protectors.

Then she went towards the cylinder shape shelf and there she bends down and there was a gap opened and she just put the metal ball in there and the rolling sound could be heard and suddenly the gap closed. It was made that the metal ball hit a certain area the closed gap will automatically close. She stand up and closed the shelf and went near the bed and took off the phoenix-shaped jade.

In the early morning, she was making some cakes with the guidance of Weining to give her brother and she also was instructing the officers under the direction of the imperial clan. A servant boy came running.

"Prince Jing is here" Prince Jing entered the kitchen.

"I heard great general Yan will go back to the border"

"You do as I said," Xiao Feng said to the officers and dismissed them and they bow to Xiao Feng and prince Jing before going out. Xiao Feng looks at prince Jing.

"Yeah. The older brother will go back to the border" Xiao Feng didn't though that prince Jing will come to Xiao manor.

"I said to you that I will greet my mother-in-law when she came back but things happened in a hurry," prince Jing said like he understood the doubt inside Xiao Feng's mind.

Xiao Feng again nodded as Prince Jing came near her and closer and closer till they were only a step apart. He took out a handkerchief of his and try to wipe her face but Xiao Feng looks to the other side. Prince Jing made her look at him grabbing her chin.

"Forgive me, will you? I want to ask for forgiveness after the poisoning incident but I didn't have a chance. That time when I was locked in the manor, I understood you deserve better. Please, forgive me. You didn't divorce me though father gave me a chance. It means you love me. So, will you forgive me? I promise I will treat you better"

Xiao Feng looks him in the eyes. Prince Jing was a little taken aback. There was nothing soft in her eyes not like a girl who was still a teenager. She had gone through a lot in this year her carefree, bubbly personality has long gone and replaced with a mature and responsible look.

"Your highness, I don't know what are you talking about. As for divorce, their royal uncle, the late emperor did tell me I could divorce you in words but in hidden he didn't want to. If I divorced you at that time court will be in chaos. If you want to greet your mother, she is in her courtyard. If you want to send brother off, please wait in the main hall. I will go back to prince Jing manor after I send my brother back. Now please go"

"Xiao Feng,"

"Please your highness, I will go to Jing manor tomorrow"

"Okay. I will wait for you" With that he went out.

All were in the front hall. Princess Heiping is nagging. Xiao Feng decided to send her brother to the capital's entrance. She was in a heavy but comfortable outfit because of the winter. They were outside the entrance.

"Make sure to eat the desserts. I made it myself" Xiao Feng automatically pouted as her brother nodded giving a last hug to Xiao Feng.

"Take care of yourself," General Yan said caressing Xiao Feng's head.

She came back to the Xiao manor and said goodbye to her parents and went back to the prince Jing manor. She just steps inside the manor. Prince Jing was there to welcome her. Suddenly snow starts falling. Xiao Feng smiled a little and look at prince Jing who was now coming to Xiao Feng with a worried expression. He was going to put her outer robe on her but she refused it by putting her hand in front.

"Your highness, I will go back to my courtyard. I am a little bit tired"

"Okay, okay. Escort princess consort back" Prince Jing didn't go to bother Xiao Feng but instructed servants to make supper for Xiao Feng.

In Xiao Feng's courtyard, she just dismissed the maid who came in with supper.

"Will you consider prince Jing? His highness seems to care about the princess"

"Who knows? How can princess forgive someone like him" Weining nodded agreeing with Linlin? Xiao Feng wrote something and took out the jade token given by Shan Yuan.

"Linlin, give this to the restaurant keeper"

Linlin nodded her head took the letter with the token and went out. At the same time general, Yan was riding to the border while snowing. Shan Yuan was looking at snowing in front of his palace. Princess Heiping and the prime minister were drinking some tea. Emperor and empress also were drinking some tea.

2 weeks went by and all the ministers were in the court and Xiao Feng was in the prince regent's place.

"Your majesty, the country isn't stable yet. You should have an heir. Empress couldn't bear one yet. Your majesty, you should take some concubines and expand the harem"

"Are you telling my empress is incapable?"

"I wouldn't dare' a ministry"

"Of course, you dare, ministry of revenue. Didn't you just say it?" Ministry of revenue looks down.

"Your majesty, princess royal grand. I think the ministry of revenue is right" Another ministry said.

"Please, rethink your majesty" Almost half of the ministries knelt and Xiao Feng looks at the frustrated emperor.

"I will ask it about my empress"

"Your majesty, the whole country belongs to you," the Right prime minister said.

"Of course, I belong to" Xiao Feng had to cut off the emperor before causing any trouble.

"Right Prime Minister Shu, who do you think your majesty take as a concubine till the harem selection?"

"Xiao Feng?" Emperor looked at Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng signaled the emperor to stay calm as he sighed.

"Who do you think is the best?" Emperor asked.

"Your majesty, right prime minister's second daughter is a good choice" Emperor looks at Xiao Feng with a "see" look.

"Indeed, right prime minister's daughters are virtuous, filial, and kind. Second Ms. Shu is a good choice. Your majesty, how about Ms. Shu, enter imperial haram today?" Emperor was lost in thought as Hu Man clear her throat as he came back to reality.

"Okay, as princess royal grand said"

"Thank you, your majesty. Thank you, princess royal grand" He kowtowed as all ministries bowed.

"Your majesty is wise"

"Please, rise"

"Is that all?"

"Report!!" A soldier came to the court and Everyone's focus was on the soldier who had just come.

"Wei kingdom is preparing for war. Our spy has said that the third prince possibly with the Wei kingdom"

"What do you think my ministers?"

"Your majesty, we should appoint a general for the northwest border," a ministry said.

"I think we can appoint a prince as a general" another ministry said.

"Who do you think is the best?"

"Your majesty, I think the fourth prince is a good choice"

"I think the fifth prince is the best, your majesty"

"Your majesty, my wife is pregnant. I have to take care of her and I was close with my third brother before so I don't dare" the Fourth prince said after kneeling.

"That's right. My sister-in-law is pregnant and also lady Zhao. So 5thprince's concubine"

"Your majesty, I would like to go on the war with kingdom Wei"

"What do you think princess royal grand?"

"fifth prince has to guard the northern border for a while, he knows the best about the north. Your majesty, I think you should send prince Jing"

Before the court started, Xiao Feng was in the great hall with the emperor who was dressed up by the maids.

"Your majesty"

"Xiao Feng. No need for courtesy when we're not in the court"

"Brother-in-law, as I get to know the third prince and Wei kingdom is preparing for war. It may be reported in the court today"

"third brother is stupid. I don't think Wei kingdom give him Sui even if they win the war"

"Indeed, they're using him and he decide to betray his country and family" Emperor sighed.

"Great general Yan also in the southern border. Who do you think is the best option to send to the northwest border?"