Chapter 31

"He is still- oh no"

"Go now, right now. Then come to morning court directly as a witness of consort Mei poisoning the emperor" Liuyang quickly bow and went away.

"Linlin, wait outside the court for Liuyang. Weining follow me" They nodded.

When Huo Hong entered the court he had a few scratches and was bleeding.

"Empress, consort Mei's has poison emperor for a long time and today I saw it with my own eyes"

"Are you sure? Slandering a consort is a crime"

"It's the truth, consort Mei somehow get to know that I knew about it and was going to kill me after sending guard Liu away, if not guard Liu was suspecting consort Mei and came back to see I would have already died" Everyone gasps.

"Left Prime Minister Ji was the one who mislead the emperor to kill people by telling them to join with the 6th prince to assassin emperor. I wouldn't have thought that for long they had made fake evidence against all loyal officials, empress. Look by yourself" A eunuch brought over the book and after checking it for the show she slams it against the table.

"Arrest consort Mei and take her to dungeon wait for my final verdict, arrest left prime minister Ji for misleading emperor together with their henchmen, the emperor will take decision himself" Guards came inside and take them outside while they were screaming, sobbing and begging. The screams last for a while and later everything was silent.

"Huo Hong, go and treat your injuries"

"Thank you, empress" He bowed and exit the court. Empress scan everyone and sighed.

"There were more than 50 officials in the court and only 12 officials are remaining" Empress chuckled. "What a funny court kingdom Sui has. Don't be afraid if there is anything to report, report it to court in the future"


"Minister Qing must be shocked after what happened, call him back. Starting tomorrow court will go as before. Compensate the for every dead family"

"Her Majesty, you may not know. The dead families had their all 9 generations got killed" A minister said and the empress pursed her lips.

"I will pray for everyone dead for a month asking forgiveness from their soul's behalf of the kingdom"

"Empress. How about the court and the kingdom" A minister asked.

"It's depended on you and the military. Call Prime Minister Shu back he will act as a regent. He will take care of the court when I am away and the kingdom will strictly follow military rules for the month, till the emperor is well. Enemy countries are longing for our country to collapse in this way it will safe for now"

"Empress, isn't it better for the empress to stay and take decisions?" Another minister asked.

"What was done is unforgivable, if all the souls curse on the kingdom it is even more unimaginable. I have already decided"

"Yes. We will follow empress's order"

"Report!!" The soldier bowed with one knee on the ground.

"Report from South border! Kingdom Jin lost to kingdom Yang. Kingdom Jing is now under kingdom Yang" Empress was lost in thoughts as Weining clear her throat.

"What's the situation? What did my brother say about the situation"

"General Yan said that they used general Xiao's war tactics"

It was the day Shan Yuan met Xiao Feng in the palace as Shan Yuan was going to go.

"Wait" Shan Yuan looks back. Xiao Feng went to her study and take a book out.

"This will help you" He looks at her and then back at the book.

"I wish I will not regret giving it to you in the future" Shan Yuan smiled a little.

"I will never disappoint you" Then he went away.

The present court was in an uproar.

"How can Yang kingdom know about general Xiao's war tactics? Could it be" The minister looks at the empress "Could it be that 16 armies helped Yang's kingdom? I heard that after general Xiao passed away only 16 armies knew the war tactics left by great general Xiao"

"Don't believe mare rumors! Tell my brother to stay away from other kingdom's problems unless it affects us. Send the edict to tighten the guard in North, East, and South borders" Empress took a breath. "A tally doesn't matter but the person. Tighten the guard. Border generals can take decisions in any emergency without reporting to the court"

"Her majesty, Yang kingdom only owns Jin kingdom. Why empress taking such a decision"

"Right, when both kingdoms are one it is more than twice as Sui. Follow the orders I gave. Court dismisses" Xiao Feng stood up and went away. Empress went to the emperor's chamber and after going there she was greeted by head imperial physicians and a bandaged Huo Hong.

"How is his majesty?"

"Empress, this physician is incapable. Emperor will not make it for longer because"


"Because there are three poisons in his majesty's body. One is given to his majesty for a year to make his majesty week. One is given not much long ago and this poison makes people have delusions and one given today which is to make emperor lost his strength" Imperial physician said looking down.

"Can't it be cured?" Empress asked. She was at a loss for words.

"There's no cure"

"Let's try our best to find a cure. I will try to reach elder Mi if there's one, I will beg for it. Huo Hong let your majesty rest. Liuyang you have to ensure his majesty's safety and wait in the military department. Huo Hong check everything before it goes near to your majesty"

Empress turned away and left the chamber in a hurry. Liuyang went out and after ordering them he went to the Military department. Liuyang caught up with the empress on the way and both came to the military department where everyone was waiting for her. Everyone greets the empress after seeing her.

"Greetings to the empress"

"Let's go directly to the city map" Everyone nodded and followed the empress and they were standing beside the city map.

"Was the edicts send?"


"Be short"


"Okay. General Bian, give the best protection to the palace. General Xu to the North, General Bai to the South part of the city. Be aware of any movements. The next target will be surely us. General Ming, protect the entrance. In the month I am not here the whole kingdom will follow strict rules. General Liu will give commands at any time"


"General Liu, report to me in the temple every day. If there's any emergency take the best action and be cautious"


"That's all" She exited and everyone bowed to her. After coming back to peony palace, she sat down in front of the mirror and sighed.

"Empress, you have been sighing all day"

"Right, the day is coming but it's still so sudden" Weining just make a thin line on her lips and didn't comment.

"Weining, prepare a hot bath for me then I will go to the temple" She bowed and went away as the empress dismiss other servants except for Linlin.

"Linlin, Should I take an action?"

"If empress is reluctant, we can give it to the time"

"I don't want to take an action against my only remaining sister" Empress looks at her two palms in front of her.

"Many people died and I didn't do anything. It makes my hands bloody too"

"It's their destiny. You shouldn't blame yourself"

"Linlin, switch this with the real tally. We can't rescue anything" Linlin nodded. Xiao Li was bold enough to take the capital tiger tally that was with the emperor. At the same time, a eunuch came running.

"What's the rush?"

"Prince Sheng, Prince Sheng killed consort Mei and left prime minister" Empress stare at her reflection as Linlin dismiss the eunuch. Empress plainly smiled and start taking off her jewelry.

Empress was wearing plain clothes with plain hairstyles without any accessory but a wooden hairpin. The group of servants who serves the empress came to the temple entrance.

"Weining, Linlin send others back"


"You two can serve me alone, right?"

"We can but empress, if we both have some work it's a month at least Duli and Miuli?"

"Okay, then let them stay. We should not bother nuns here" Others bowed and turned as the empress enter the temple and 2 nuns were waiting.

"Amitabh!" Xiao Feng also bows back.

"This way"

"1st-year 7th month of 6th emperor of Sui: I start praying Buddha for whole day reciting Buddhist scripts in the evening. Eating only vegetarian foods. At the start, I told Weining and Linlin that they don't have to spy anymore and have a peaceful month. For 3 weeks Liuyang report to me every day. Emperor wasn't getting better but since last week temple was surrounded by the imperial guards" Empress just end the praying and came inside her courtyard.

"Empress, they're still here. Guards said that the emperor will send an edict if he changes his mind. He wants you to pray in the temple more than her majesty planned. Emperor is not trustworthy. Empress is doing this for his majesty in the first place" Duli complained.

"Though empress is merciful you shouldn't talk bad at emperor"

"Just let them talk"

"I think his majesty is trying to imprison the empress, so the empress will not meddle with the matters. Emperor is absolutely bad" Empress looks Miuli questionably as she quickly knelt.

"I shouldn't talk much. Please, punish me"

"No, stand up and tell your point of view"


"Don't be afraid. Just tell me"

"I think that Mr. Liu was deceiving her majesty last days and indeed emperor was getting better. Now we're surrounded by guards and they don't let us go. It's most likely that his majesty doesn't want empress to be back"

"Right, Miuli is indeed smart. Duli, what do you think?"

"I have a different view though I talk bad at the emperor"

"Oh, tell me"

"Before I was taking the chance to blame the emperor that he was so cruel to empress last time" Empress chuckled and nodded while sitting down.

"Though the emperor was bad and biased I think his majesty wouldn't do something like that"


"Emperor is still weak even though she is cured. So, the emperor doesn't want to give this chance for others to act as their wills so emperor wouldn't do something like this"

"If it's the case he will not but there are no more ministries who act on their will. So, it could be possible that he doesn't want me there. There must be leftovers of consort Mei's words. He is afraid I will take over the throne and will rule the kingdom forever. It's a good thing that I send Xiao Ting and Xiao Ying to Hangzhou. So even though I could not make it from here they will live a normal life"

"Don't tell so, empress"

"Okay. Okay. Just be at ease" Linlin came inside.

"There're guards on the roof too" Empress wave her hand saying she doesn't care.

"Empress, I and Duli will make some soup for you" Weining signaled them to go on. The two maids were on their way to the kitchen as Miuli suddenly stop making Duli stop on her track too.

"What happened?"

"Suddenly nature calls. You go, I will join you when I am done"