Pexy Sharacter entered the spaceship as captain . He was wearing a uniform of some sort, or it could be assumed to match the uniform. That he was not wearing it suggested that he had gotten a new one and that a major corporation had ordered him to wear it now. For the moment , I thought he looked like the kind of person who would get a job working in the kitchen. He had a serious look on his face, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, his uniform neatly pressed. There was something about the man that was slightly familiar. One of those people who were more comfortable with their own company than their surroundings. A bit of an outsider, that, which made them seem less threatening. Almost like a person from another planet. Not sure where he came from , probably from the outer reaches of space. Possibly from Mars. Like the guy in our first picture. Then again, he might be more like one of our people. Or, maybe, the people from his own planet are like our heroes. In