
Raigal walks out, slouching as he usually does with a cold expression on his face. The crowd slowly goes from complete silence to small murmuring as they begin to talk about him.

Ray prepares himself, 'Hm… This could get complicated, he is quite strong from what I have seen, also the reaction from the crowd isn't too comforting.'

Raigal's eyes glow for a split second, then he grins and says, "Lord shadowdance may have stopped the search for you, but I haven't. You are quite interesting, barely important or noticeable to a demigod in barely any time? That is quite strange. I wonder what secrets you wish to keep."

"That's your opener? I don't know Lord shadowdance, nor do I care about them." Ray says in response.

Raigal's eye twitches slightly but he raises his hand, and waits.

Ray dashes forward, but as he gets closer his shadow raises from behind and engulfs him.

Raigal throws his hand to the side as Ray flies in that direction, slamming hard into the barrier.