
Modri and Seirai return from another mission for the guild, nothing too strenuous, it was a simple mission to collect herbs. These gathering missions have significantly increased in quantity as of late due to the war.

Many blacksmiths have closed their shops to anyone other than military officials to fit their quotas. The same goes for alchemists and enchanters.

Modri and Seirai are walking back up the cliff when Modri asks, "How do you think Lord Kaine is doing?"

"No clue, but probably good. There isn't much a regular soldier could do against him. Either way, we need to work hard so that his village is safe and well-funded." Seirai replies.

The two of them enter through the new gates of the cliff town. It has yet to be finished but it does offer some protection to the villagers. Lily and Effren rush up and help put away the supplies, including the money in a large chest in the guild hall.