Deadly Flashback

Felair, Alaric, and Jibani are behind the frontline casting ranged spells to provide support. Felair reads the surface-level thoughts of the people around him to help his allies choose the most effective targets.

Jibani grips the air above her head and enters a stance as if preparing to throw a javelin. Lightning sparks from her eyes as she swiftly twists. As she spins around lightning flares in her hand, creating a seven-foot-long bolt of lightning.

She throws the bolt of lightning at an enemy Contalian who was about to stab a Marrin Mage in the back. The lightning goes straight through the soldier's chest, leaving a burning hole.

Alaric stands still with his eyes closed and his hands in front of his chest, occasionally a spec of gold flashes between them. 'Come on… If I can get this off I'll be able to help.'

"Come on man, you have to hurry!" Jibani shouts over at him as she continues to throw the lightning javelins, sweat dripping down her cheek.