
Another two months pass with no sign of Ray returning to camp. By now, most of his friends in the Diamond Wolves have accepted that he wouldn't be returning, but not all of them. Asrea stares into the mirror as she gets herself dressed in her uniform.

She puts on her rings and then her necklace, hesitating as she places it around her neck. 'Ray I don't know where you went… But the others have given up on you…'

She looks outside of the hole in her room designed to be a window. She looks out over the soldiers walking, 'it has been three months and there hasn't been a single sign of you anywhere. Not even a body… There is no way they captured you so you had to have left on your own, so wherever you are…'

Asrea leaves through the window and gets on top of her roof. As she looks out she can see a battle waging a couple of miles away. 'Get back here soon…'
