
'What?! He watched the fight?' Ray looks shocked after Ronz appears.

"A while ago during the attack at the camp, Ray fought with something known as a 'Memory Plague.' They are powerful creatures that can change the surrounding area to a strong memory of the Person they are fighting." Ronz begins.

"During this fight, there were a couple of memories that showed a world that was completely foreign to me. Entirely metallic creations that could move, and strange clothing I haven't seen before. While this could be a different continent, I find that weather unlikely, for a couple of reasons, the first is that even with the small glimpse I saw of it, their technology was far more advanced than ours." Ronz continues.

  "And why should we trust you?" Kairon questions.

"I couldn't care less if you trust me or not." Ronz replies bluntly, "I am only here to verify certain information and to learn if Ray was malicious."