Slaves to a Beast

"What needs to be done?" A twisted version of Maya's voice asks.

"With the heart now burnt you must find a soldier crazed by battle, an archmage of immense magical power, and a noble. With all three collected, the ritual can be conducted..." The armor-being instructs.



That night Ray and Asrea patrol the camp, Asrea teaching Ray the general layout. 

"That's about it... It is set up in a way that is easy to replicate in other ways, so even when we set up a new base, it will look the same there as well..." Asrea says.

"Makes sense. It would be pointless to change the layout every time." Ray responds, "Thanks for showing me around, I have a lot to make up for."

"No problem... With you guarding us, we can sleep easier... Our allies work hard and all but.." Asrea begins to answer as she trails off.