Winning the Battle

Before the turnaround of the fight between Brian and the others, Minaric and Alaric leap across the rooftops of the buildings inside of the base. 

"We are almost there, ready yourself my friend!" Alaric shouts when both of them hear Deron's voice in their mind.

'Stop where you are, your involvement right now is not necessary. To your left a hundred feet away you should find Diana and Felair resisting against attackers, Jibani should be there soon. Exactly eight minutes from now, go to an alleyway thirty feet north of that area. Alaric, prepare your touch of Midas and Minaric throw him right in front of Victoria the instant you have fully charged it.'

Minaric and Alaric both stop as they look at each other, Minaric speaks up first and says, "What the hell? What is his plan?"