
Calm. Cold.

Ray leans into the water as it surrounds him, yet he doesn't feel wet. All he feels is a deep connection to something powerful.

As Ray breathes in again, he opens his eyes and looks around him. All of the water has vanished, instead, he sees an endless number of small balls of light, barely the size of a spark, all around him. 

He floats, suspended amid these minuscule specks of light. Past the specks, Ray notices that he is in a very large globe, so big that the idea of ever reaching the side of it seems impossible.

"Where am I...?" Ray whispers. Ray looks inquisitively at one of the specks and gently touches it. When he does, countless images begin to flash through his mind, he sees a neverending amount of worlds within it, countless lives, from death to birth, and both the beginning and end of the spark.

Afterward, the spark begins to fizzle out, and Ray begins to panic and tries to stop it to no avail, "No no no no no!"