
"Well, for your first lesson," Axelby turns as he gestures for Ray to follow, "We should probably fill you in on some of the abilities all of us Enigma's share in common."

Ray follows him, as do the other two, Axelby turns around with his eyebrow raised as he questions, "I wasn't aware this was going to be a group lesson."

"You can't expect us to sit around and do nothing," Order responds, "Besides, I'd like to learn more about our Father's pet project."

"I'd prefer-" Ray begins but then just sighs, "Yeah... That's probably an apt description..."

"We'll go through each ability on its own, one at a time," Axelby says as he glances at Order who nods. Order flicks his wrist slightly as the room rearranges itself, leaving a large clearing in the center.

"The first one is simply our natural state," Order says, "It is also the main reason that Destruction has been able to live rent-free in our brother's realm for eons without scrutiny."