Deja Vu Part 3

"How?!" Seirai exclaims, "Are you a healer?!"

"No," Ray replies, still a bit confused by what's happening. Leon stumbles up and bows down.

"Thank you!" Leon says, choked up with emotion.

"There's no need to bow!" Ray lifts his hands, feeling awkward, "Who were those people? I know they were a gang but why were they after you?"

"They're the Wolfmen," Seirai explains, "They've been plaguing our neighborhood for years, but it's gotten worse lately, they even burned our house down because we wouldn't pay them protection fees! We tried to leave, but I guess they caught me when I was covering Leon and Modri's escape."

"That sounds horrible," Ray sighs, pitying the poor family, "Alright, I imagine you all are going to need a place to stay until you can set yourself up. I live in the penthouse of this building, so you guys could stay with me for the time being."

"We couldn't!" Leon replies, "You've already-"