Deja Vu Part 9

An hour passes and the four of them are still on edge, each processing this in different ways.

'Good... A break from the pattern, this should help unravel what this 'lesson' is meant to be,' Boreas thinks, trying to remain purely logical.

'Hm... What is Father thinking?' Aster thinks, 'I know Father is the one that's been interfering with all of this, but I didn't think he'd change the pattern, is he trying to help Ray?'

Kaine grabs Ray's phone, as well as his own, and starts scrolling through all of the texts between them and Sarah, 'I need to know what the set relationship we have with her in this world is.'

Ray stands silently, staring out over his balcony's ledge, 'I'm going to see my mom...? Well, not really, but still... I wasn't prepared for this at all, I mean, how are you supposed to prepare for talking to your dead mother?! Not to mention, Leonard's going to be there as well. Focus, I can't get emotionally dragged into this world.'