Divine Realm

"How?" Ronz questions, "Were you also investigating them? My family hasn't been able to uncover much."

"When I was in Tyralen I was doing a job for a guild and ran into them, I fought another person who was experimented on and I left a remnant of magic on them that I could use to track them down later," Ray explains, "We can't investigate into them yet, but I had a feeling that you would want to know about it."

"Oh! I also learned that someone named Lina approved the job, too," Ray adds. "That is all I discovered, but it should be helpful."

"Lina...?" Ronz mutters, "That name doesn't sound familiar... Well if we get through this I will put some of my family to work on finding them. Now, You said you didn't know how you made me into a Godling, do you know anything you could tell me? It has been quite confusing..."