
"Remember the game plan," Jirin says quietly, "Our goal isn't just to win, so don't get carried away."

"Yeah yeah yeah..." Modri groans, 'You're only saying that because you're the main part of the plan..."

Rolia nods in agreement and casts the Wind Scythe spell, drastically increasing the size of each blade she sends out, all heading in various directions at the three Champions they are facing.

Gerald twirls his Halberd around while leaping to the side, knocking one of the wind scythes away. Marcus, Meanwhile, casually taps his heel into the earth below causing a small pillar of earth to shoot out rapidly, sending him flying above the Wind Scythes. Finally, Alice waves her palm in front of her creating a wall of magical gold, blocking all of the Scythes from getting to her.

In the crowd, Jibani looks over to Alaric and asks, "Does she have the Gold Affinity like you?"