
Everyone returns to Ray's palace, while most haven't had to fight, the mental exhaustion and emotional rollercoaster of the day have left them all drained.

Most of the mortals have gone to either the common areas, the dining hall, or their rooms to rest. Jibani, meanwhile, is dozing off on a nearby bed near the one Alaric's lying in. Alaric is still unconscious from his fight, despite being healed by Daphne.

After a few hours, Alaric finally stirs, slowly rising from his bed, "Urgh... My head is pounding..."

Along with his aching head, Alaric's vision is blurry, while at first, he assumes that it may just be his grogginess, it doesn't seem to be going away at all. Alaric leans back against the headboard of his bed and notices Jibani sleeping nearby only barely able to make out her vague shape, 'I can't recall how the fight went, but if I'm here, I imagine I lost... I gave it all that I could and I still wasn't able to carry my weight.'