
The smell of books was like a fresh breath of air for the young noble of Quinnsvale. King Baltimore permitted him to find a good book in his study.

Mildly preoccupied with the affairs of the kingdom, the king had forgotten about his guest in the study. Hence, when the footsteps echoed, and the door swung open, the young noble paid no heed and merely peered at the newcomer. 

However, the sight of Ysabel stumbling inside the king's study, looking left to right, made him rethink about her business coming inside. 

'Surely, she wouldn't have known I was here. If so, why did she look like she wasn't supposed to be here?'

Following her movements with his gaze, Kian observed what the princess was up to. His curiosity didn't last long as more footsteps approached, and the king strode in.