
"I beg your pardon?" Queen Ercel remarked, her brow was raised in question. 

The royal family gathered in the council room with King Baltimore and Ysabel, along with Gwendolyn.

Ysabel took a deep breath. She eyed the king and queen, her resolve wavering. 

"I know you both have someone in mind for me," Ysabel frowned. "But many more will come to the palace asking for my hand. So, to take this burden off you, I propose having these men compete for my hand."

King Baltimore cleared his throat.

"But didn't you say that you don't want to get married? Have you changed your mind?"

"No," Ysabel replied immediately. "But I might if at least one of these nobles proved themselves to me. I won't tell you the qualifications I require, though."

Gwendolyn smirked. He drummed his fingers on the long elongated table. 

"I don't see how this matter affects me," Gwendolyn commented.