The truth comes out

"Not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do is the secret of happiness."

-J.M Barrie

Bezmun's royal colors were on full display, and the throne room was buzzing with excitement. Those invited were the councillors and everyone concerned about the coronation. 

Hinrik stared at his reflection in the mirror. He took a deep breath, putting on a brave smile for everyone to see. However, deep inside, he wanted nothing but for the day to be over. 

A soft knock came on the door. 

"Come in," a servant opened it and bowed upon seeing Hinrik.

"The king's chamber is ready, your grace. You can move there by tonight."

Hinrik nodded, still unable to grasp that he would be king in a few hours. 

"Thank you," he uttered, forcing himself to keep his voice steady. The servant bowed again, taking his leave afterwards.