Chapter 20 Credence, Let Me Go

When Credence arrived at the hospital, Rosalie had just been sent to the emergency room.

The attending doctor told him, "Mr. Scott, Miss Fisher was attacked by a few thugs at the underground parking lot. Not only did she sustain a brain injury, but she is likely to become a vegetable. Also..."

Credence asked coldly, "What else?"

The doctor hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "She was raped by those thugs. The lower part of her body is severely torn and she is suffering from internal bleeding. I'm afraid that she couldn't make it."

When Credence heard that Rosalie's life was in danger, his body trembled. His sharp gaze fell on Rosalie, who was lying motionless on the operating table.

Her face, which used to be delicate and beautiful, was now marred by dark red bloodstains. There was a centimeters-long gash on her forehead. Her lips were cracked, and there were dense teeth marks on them.