Chapter 66 She Had to Give Him Whenever He Wanted

Credence walked out of the ward. The sky was gloomy, and the blustery wind rustled the leaves outside the window. It was a night awaiting a heavy downpour.

After walking a few steps, Jonathan, with a cigarette between his light-pink thin lips and walked toward Credence. "I have been waiting for you outside for three hours, sixteen minutes and nine seconds. You've finally come out."

He didn't know what tricks Rosalie had played to keep Credence in her ward for three hours.

Jonathan awed this kind of women. He would always keep a distance from such women as he knew he couldn't contend with them.

Credence ignored Jonathan's teasing and swept a glance at him with his deep eyes. He parted his thin lips and asked slowly, "How's she doing?"

There was a hint of concern in his voice.