Chapter 90 It Won't Hurt If You Stop Loving

Four black police cars were parked at the entrance of the hospital. The red siren lights of the police car were flashing constantly, along with sharp blaring sounds. The whole scene made people feel panicked and in awe.

At some point, the sky had begun to light up. The morning sun shone brightly above the hospital, but it could not warm Dorothy's cold and devastated heart.

Standing in front of her were Linda and Caleb who had rushed over after hearing the news. They looked at Dorothy, who was being handcuffed and pushed forward by the police. They gave each other a look filled with ecstasy and happiness. However, it disappeared in an instant, as they quickly covered it up and faked a painful expression.

Linda, in particular, was bandaged with a layer of gauze on top of her head which made her look very comical as she pretended to be close to sobbing.

"Dorothy,, what else can I say to you?"